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Kyojin no Doshin Kaihou Sensen Chibikkochikko Dai Shuugou

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Kyojin no Doshin Kaihou Sensen Chibikkochikko Dai Shuugou
Doshin Daishuugou.png
Developer(s): Param
Publisher(s): RandnetDD
Release dates
Japan: May 17, 2000

Kyojin no Doshin Kaihou Sensen Chibikkochikko Dai Shuugou is a game for the Nintendo 64DD, and a successor to Doshin the Giant. It was one of the games which supported the Randnet online service.


A game in which Doshin is imprisoned. Switching between this game and Doshin the Giant, the player must, as before build various monuments. Special movies are unlocked while playing the game.


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