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Topics - Tina

This topic should have some good discussion in it, I think! Pretty much what the title says-- who's your favorite character? Overall, from each game, etc.?

(.......I'll wait for a couple posts before I start gushing about Lucas. 83)

I've always been fond of Kumatora, though, since she's a tomboy but not a complete jerk to people, willing to do things she dislikes to assist others, etc. And she is also totally badass. PUNCH STUFF, SET STUFF ON FIRE, FREEZE STUFF TO DEATH AND ZAP THINGS INTO OBLIVION. Don't screw with Kumatora.

Jeff is also very awesome. SCREW YOU ALL, I HAVE A BAZOOKA! (I always cackle a little whenever I use that thing, really.)
NIWA Discussion / WikiBound has moved!
December 07, 2010, 02:03:19 AM
Hey guys! I'm pretty sure this is the right place to put the topic, so...

WikiBound's URL has changed, as we've switched hosts. If everyone could update their links (and bookmarks, which should exist! *shot*) to the new URL - right here! - that would be fantastic! :D

And don't worry, everything's just the way it was before. We just moved to a different host and got a nice and short address. :P
The Lounge / A skin for WikiBound: Help!
November 08, 2010, 11:52:36 PM
I've been meaning to get around to touching up WikiBound a lot more when it comes to designs, and making the place more fun and colorful than just boring ol Vector/Monobook. I tried my hand at making my own skin, since I had modified monobook before and I have basic CSS knowledge... but that didn't go quite well. XD;

So I figured I would post a topic here asking if someone would be willing to volunteer with creating a skin? I'm not really sure where else to ask- I don't know anyone specifically who has wiki/CSS experience, and I would rather try to see if anyone from NIWA would be able to help before moving on to more outside sources for assistance. D:

I have a vague idea of what I would like... something bold, colorful, or pastel-y, and oriented with mostly light colors. Something very Earthbound-esque. Something fun! And... that's about it. I wish I didn't suck so much at web design.
Fan Creations / Tina's fanstuff
November 06, 2010, 03:49:39 AM
So I guess now that WB's in NIWA, I don't feel as awkward posting my art on here since it's pretty much all Mother-related. :T Har har har.

I pretty much spend most of my free time drawing or sewing, and most of that is also fan stuff! Won't post everything here, of course, that would be insane. Just things that I particularly liked or didn't think were incredibly silly.

Ness and Lucas in their equipped items by the end of the game. Or at least on my files.

A whole crapton of color experiments I did on Bulbagarden's oekaki. Top row: Ness, Paula and Jeff, while the bottom row is Lucas, Kumatora and the Masked Man.
Lucas and Claus playing on Snowcap Mountain when they were little kids. D'aawww.
...And then I just finished this big Claus doll today. My little Lucas plushie's pictured there, too.

Is it obvious that I adore Lucas yet? Just wondering. /shot
EarthBound / Mother / What's your favorite Mother game?
November 05, 2010, 11:12:36 PM
To kick off the new board and WB joining...

Which of the three games is your favorite? :D I adore Mother 3 to bits and pieces, personally, although Earthbound was also great.
Super Smash Bros / What's your main?
October 30, 2010, 09:17:05 PM
In any of the games! Or if you have multiples that's cool too.

I tend to switch around a lot on SSB 64 (haven't really figured out a real main yet), but I find myself using Link a lot. Haven't played Melee in ages, but I think I remember using Kirby a lot? :?

And then of course Lucas on Brawl. Used to use Toon Link a lot, but I'm best with Lucas. :3