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free copy of Epic Yarn

Started by Axiomist, August 30, 2010, 04:42:38 AM

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As you can see here, Wikirby will be having a contest with a free copy of Epic Yarn delivered to your door!

Eligibility is simple, have a parents permission if under 18. Create 5 articles (1.5kb contribution minimum) and alert us! We want articles and you want a game, so it works out perfectly!

(offer void on Neptune)


blast...my Neptunian Cousin can't enter....this is discrimination.


The shipping would bankrupt me! NASA won't cut me a deal!

But yah, if you guys could advertise it to Kirby fans everywhere else, that's cool too!

Lazor Shroom Midna Freak

Even on Neptune?  :P

I, myself, cannot enter since I'm too shy to ask for my parents permission. But good luck to those who can!


I can't enter either since I'm the one buying a second copy to give away :(
ah well, time to spread the word on Facebook...


I'll spread word on MarioWiki


You gotta be careful for short stubby articles, though...


Yeah, I expect some new-to-wiki editors. I started out as a moron and barely could figure out what to write on, made tons of mistakes, etc. But Zelda Wiki's admins Adam and Ando were cool enough to let me work on the Warping article as I saw fit. That got me wanting to add the links to it in other pages, which required adding more text and so it went... somewhere in that I got hooked, and started working on the wiki regularly and eventually administrator.

Best case scenario is that some of WiKirby's future admins are editing!


Someone over at MW asked me, will the game be given before the release? I told him I thought it was gonna be given until the release date, but I am not sure


On or shortly after the US release if the winner requests a US copy. On or shortly after whatever region they need if they request a non US copy. But the contest ends on the US release, so they better hurry!



Yep. A user named Static won this ages ago.

Shall I lock the thread, since it seems to have served its purpose?
NIWA Coordinator


might as well, since the only purpose it now has is to inform us of the winner for anyone who is curious.


Just a quick reply here then I'm locking it back. Static did indeed win it and it was mailed to him that following weekend. I've yet to receive confirmation from him that he received the game, but the USPO hasn't sent it back to me either, so I'm optimistic.