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Messages - Melchizedek

As far as I know, the images were overridden and lost. So it's a start from scratch - just keeping the green and purple design scheme, and theme of the boxes and so forth.

I'll tell the staff to come post in here what their thoughts are...
yeah guys - it was Greenpickle who made the fixes, not Justin - so thanks heaps for that.

We are still getting a new/redesigned proper skin. Please let me know if any of you are interested in designing it.
Some of you will be aware that when we updated Media Wiki at Metroid Wiki about a month ago, we unfortunately lost our skin, and have been left with a very hideous looking wiki since - as you can see.

So we need someone's help in designing and implementing a new skin for us. We were waiting upon Steve, but we simply can't wait any longer. If there is anyone interested please let us know. Only real limit to your creativity is that is needs to adhere to our purple and green color scheme. Our staff also have a number of ideas they'd like to see.

Before a new skin, our first priority is simply a tidying up of the current mess. So fixing up the spaced-out tabs, and the white sidebar and footer. If someone could quickly help us fix them that would be appreciated. Then we are seeking a new skin design.

So is anyone interested in helping?
NIWA Discussion / Metroid Wiki's First Birthday
January 27, 2011, 08:24:44 AM
Today (January 27th) is Metroid Wiki's first birthday - one year since it came online. Let the community celebrations begin. :D It's great to be a part of NIWA!

So, how are we going after one year? Here are the stats:

+768 Articles
+4297 pages
+1396 Pictures
+22,617 edits
+299 Users
+17 Active Users
+7 Staff Members
+1,100,720 views (50 per edit)
+Top pages are 1-Main Page, 2-Other M, 3-Samus Aran

So what now? There's still a long way to go as always. Stubs, improvements, wanted pages - you name it. What we need most is users - whether you have a little or lots of time to offer. Whoever you are, you can help!

We're currently looking to hire new staff for the vacant positions of Graphics Editing and Public Relations/Marketing. Apply Here.

We're also getting into voting on featured content - pictures and articles.
NIWA Discussion / Re: Leader
October 04, 2010, 08:55:15 AM
Well, I'm not sure if everybody is happy to move ahead with the poll yet - but not much is really happening with the thread just sitting here. It seems not much more is left to add. Archaic should be aware of its presence due to the IMs and PMs sent to him by now.
NIWA Discussion / Re: Leader
October 03, 2010, 11:59:35 AM
I think I agree that a poll is the way to go for decisiveness, but also that we should hold off a bit longer. I've said plenty in here, but I know people (myself included) are wanting Archaic's input into this topic, due to him being a founder, owner and original conceptualizer of NIWA. He is after all, the closest current person we have to a 'leader'.

QuoteQuestion: Is anyone else going to be considered for, or put themselves forward for the role? Or is it pretty much between Ax and Xizor?

Those two are the only two who have strongly stood out amongst the voice of the community as people 'nominated' for the role from what I have seen. Other names were mentioned briefly in the Skype chat, but were uninterested in the position.
NIWA Discussion / Re: Leader
October 03, 2010, 07:21:32 AM
Okay then, back to the 'who' and 'why'?
NIWA Discussion / Re: Proposing some decrees.
October 03, 2010, 04:16:09 AM
Perhaps SMB, it's all future stuff for our staff to decide on.
NIWA Discussion / Re: Proposing some decrees.
October 03, 2010, 04:00:48 AM
I was just talking last week with Archaic about the future direction of NIWA along with the staff of the new member wiki comig on Oct 15th, and the consensus was that we will one day expand. Take note of what Archaic said though - NIWA may remain as NIWA - but we will expand to many other independent wiki areas. They may be NIWA partners, not necessarily override NIWA. It's all future possibilities, so don't stress about it. What happens will be a logical and natural progression.

Also, wikis that are inactive are the very wikis that need NIWA support, not to be kicked out.
NIWA Discussion / Re: Proposing some decrees.
October 03, 2010, 02:47:48 AM
When Archaic and I first discussed founding NIWA, and in its founding - it was established with the view that it would one day expand into gaming and then beyond. The focus of NIWA is the independence, not the 'Nintendo'.

Once a member not always a member of NIWA. They prevents circumstances that may arise. For instance, ZW starts hating NIWA and rebells - we have no choice but to remove them. SMW moves to Wikia. Bulbapedia ceases to exist. Unlikely, but we can't rashly say, once a member always a member.

NIWA understands and recognizes that wiki-level Wikia's are fine. The totalitarian and corporation of the wikia system is not okay. I can say that Wikia is horrible. I hate it. It should go die. That is my opinion. I still respect the individual Wikia people though. We can each think what we want of wiki farms, but NIWA's issues are with the management and profit focus of Wikia. NIWA's goal is not to take wikis off farms, it is to make sure everyone understands the difference between independence and farms -because simply - half of the people running Wikia wikis don't know that there are other options. Other people think that every wiki is just copying Wikipedia. We simply provide the choice.

That's all just my opinion anyway.
NIWA Discussion / Re: Leader
October 03, 2010, 02:31:59 AM
Thanks for that Ax - so we now know that we have two people willing to be the 'leader' - though I do believe we need to think of a more appropriate title, such as 'Co-ordinator' or 'Project Manager'. What I'm not sure of is how we are going to decide upon the whom. Perhaps a vote between Xizor and Axiomist will be necessary, but the idea of a whole popularity contest makes me hesitant. I personally hope that we can unanimously decide, through discussions, which of the two is a better leader.

With that said, I'd like to reaffirm my reasoning for why I believe Xizor is more suitable for the position than Axiomist. It's nothing personal, it's about who I think has the better portfolio for the position. Firstly, is stability. Xizor has proven long-term stability and commitment to online communities, such as through LegendofZelda.com and Zelda Wiki.org. Axiomist often has week long work commitments where he cannot access the internet, which is not preferrable for someone who is to be organizing NIWA. They need to have continous access and dedication to keep everything on track.

Next is a matter of unbiasedness and vested interests. For example, I wouldn't be a good leader for NIWA because I've put so much work into what we have here today. Axiomist is pretty similar in the fact that he has put a lot of effort into what we currently have. The problem? It's what we currently have they needs to change. People with attachment/ dedication to being so involved in NIWA's founding and setting up may not be preferable for the position. Xizor has been here all along, and threads such as his reform a few months back show that he does care about NIWA. Although a person who aided in the founding and set up, he is somewhat an outsider. He can (and has) identified what NIWA's issues are and can work towards fixing them. He has an outside view to a degree, which has benefits over only inside views.

With my past work with Xizor at Zelda Wiki and here at NIWA, he is very suitable. He can communicate fine, co-ordinate - everything we need in a leader. I'm not going to make assumptions about Axiomist's leadership skills, because frankly, I haven't seen them. During our time together at Zelda Wiki.org, he demonstrated skills as a team player, but not a leader. Xizor has thoroughly demonstrated them. Lastly the leader needs to make tough decisions. They need to be respected, and wanted by the majority, but they can't always make everyone happy - like politicians. They need to be able to do what is right, not what seems good. From my dealing with Xizor, he has experience in having to lead in such a manner. Axiomist I feel cares more largely about what people will think of him, and may not always necessarily lead where is correct, over what is popular.

Overall, yes we need a leader, and either Axiomist or Xizor is better than none, but the above is why Xizor, in my opinion, is much more befitting of a NIWA leadership role. May I ask of those people that nominated Axiomist to express their detailed opinions of why they have done so and why he is more suited then Xizor for the role. Please everyone remember, more importantly than anything, this is all about what's best for NIWA, and has absolutely nothing to do with anyone's egos.

EDIT: I assume the eventually agreed upon leader will get admin rights???
NIWA Discussion / Re: Leader
October 01, 2010, 11:37:57 PM
May I ask if anyone knows whether Axiomist is willing for the position? Seen as there are numerous people supporting him, we really need to know whether he wants to do it.

So Ax, can you express whether you're interested, like Xizor did?
NIWA Discussion / Re: Leader
October 01, 2010, 03:32:47 AM
Well, I've known Xizor for a couple of years now, and I think he's very trustable and respectable for the position. NIWA needs someone who's neutral but also has the direction and vision to take NIWA to where it should go. The reform discussions he sparked months ago show that he knows the direction NIWA should be taken.

A "project manager" type role is needed to coordinate everyone, motivate everyone and make sure decisions are made and stuff gets done. Xizor has proven himself more than capable through working at Zelda Wiki.org and Legend of Zelda.com.

So, yeah, I support the idea for a leader and Xizor suits the job perfectly.
NIWA Discussion / Re: Metroid Wiki and Other M
September 08, 2010, 10:35:48 AM
haha Meat... you're not child friendly. :P

MW has just reached the 500 article mark btw
NIWA Discussion / Re: Metroid Wiki and Other M
September 03, 2010, 07:12:26 AM

^Thought I'd just point that out. A competition for editors/potential editors of Metroid Wiki,
NIWA Discussion / Metroid Wiki and Other M
September 01, 2010, 07:54:42 AM
Hey everyone. With Other M now released in North America and now almost here for everyone else, we're (Metroid Wiki) trying to really capitalize on the hype that will bring and get viewers, editors and so forth. So if everyone could give us a bit of a push across their own sites, forums and wikis when it comes to Other M that would be appreciated.

NIWA Discussion / Re: Congratulations...
September 01, 2010, 07:52:24 AM
Mario / Which Mario Galaxy is Better?
July 17, 2010, 01:43:26 AM

An article of mine... have a read/share/comment/discuss etc:

NIWA Discussion / Re: Metroid Wiki Update
July 06, 2010, 10:47:39 PM
QuoteI fix stuff, and there's not much to FIX XD

Means I'm doing my job well. :P

Any way any of you can contribute is appreciated, and if you can't contribute directly - spreading the word is just as good as editing.