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Membership and Affiliate Requests / Gamehiker
May 27, 2010, 12:38:54 PM
Now, I'm giving this it's own topic rather than shoving it into the affiliation request topic... it doesn't really fit there anyway.

So, I was thinking on where I could try and get Wars Wiki affiliated to, and I came across Gamehiker's Nintendo Wiki. They have some affiliations- see the top of the page for a dropdown, but I was wondering- why don't we see if they're interested in joining the cause? They say themselves that they're focused upon only first- and second-party Nintendo games, and while I don't know what the higher-ups think about having a general wiki on board, I feel it deserves at least some consideration.

I'd just like to say I'm NOT involved with them... I just stumbled upon them on Google, and so I'm working on an affiliation for myself, but thought it would be nice of me to share.

What are people's thoughts?