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Messages - Greenpickle

NIWA Discussion / Re: Recent changes namespace toggler
November 14, 2010, 09:11:39 AM
First, I hope you're not planning on using that version; here's the one without Wikia-specific parts.  Second, just checking, you know that depends on JQuery, right?  It's just that it's not mentioned on any information page for it that I can find.  Third, wow, there's some terrible code in there.

The answer is no, but it would just be a few lines to make it compatible (I'm thinking just if (window.$ !== undefined) $.bind('ajaxComplete', function () {
    $('#' + RCNSTControlsId).remove();
).  What you'd get is any new changes loaded through JavaScript requests wouldn't be affected by the checkboxes/buttons.  Edits now not fitting in the set number of changes you allow would disappear, which shouldn't cause an exception or anything, I don't think, but it would keep references to those changes so garbage collection wouldn't get at them - in other words, a memory leak.
The Lounge / Re: Nintendo News Blog
November 13, 2010, 10:51:15 PM
Quote from: vince220 on November 13, 2010, 10:19:16 PMweb design software

But Vim and Firebug are free.

(...I'm sure someone in a position to decide whether something should be said about something will say whatever later, so I don't really need to reply to the topic.)
NIWA Discussion / Recent changes namespace toggler
November 12, 2010, 09:34:45 PM
I actually initially wrote this a long time ago (page histories give 10th October 2009 as the date of the initial version...), but I didn't know any JavaScript and was just making stuff up as I went along, looking up what I needed.  Unsurprisingly, the result was pretty terrible code - but it worked, for me, and I was happy with that.

A few weeks ago, I borrowed a JavaScript book from the library and took a weekend to actually learn it; now, I've got around to rewriting this, and it should be ready to use.

This is a script to, as the name suggests, toggle namespaces in the recent changes.  A checkbox for every namespace (and things like deletion log, new accounts, page moves) gets added to the top, and ticking/unticking it shows/hides changes for that namespace (once you've put the right CSS in place as well).  You can set initial values so that certain namespaces start hidden; and there are buttons to toggle all/invert the selection/restore the initial selection.  Here's a live version.

To use it, follow the instructions here.

Known issues

- When using enhanced recent changes, hiding/expanding the edits for a page removes the class applied by my script to hide it.  Therefore, this is only a problem when the CSS you set up doesn't hide the 'hidden' changes (but does something else - makes them small and grey like the example, say).  This'll be fixed when I get the time, and I'll see if they'll accept a patch in MediaWiki to make the enhanced recent changes more flexible with regard to manipulating classes.

- If this is employed site-wide, the user can't have their own settings for the initial namespaces hidden because user JS loads after site JS.  I'll try to think of a way this could be done; I have an idea that would work, but be messy and increase page load time - anyone have any suggestions?

- I haven't been able to test this in IE as VirtualBox has suddenly decided it doesn't want guests to have internet access and I can't be bothered to set up a local page.  If anyone finds this doesn't work in IE (not unlikely), there'll probably be an error-type icon somewhere that you can double-click or something to get the details I'd like to know about; and I'd like to know the version you're using as well.  Update: reported to work fine in IE7.

Bug reports and feature requests are welcome.
NIWA Discussion / Re: table.hideable
November 10, 2010, 08:29:27 AM
Well, I've already tested on Firefox 3.6.13pre, Firefox 4.0b8pre, Chromium 9.0.577.0, Midori 0.2.9 and IE7.  If there's anything I'm wondering about, it's IE6, which I've long since given up caring about.
NIWA Discussion / table.hideable
November 09, 2010, 07:00:19 PM
This is just a script thing I wrote that I thought others might benefit from (though its function is quite specific, not something you'd really want to do very often).  It adds little buttons to specified columns in a table that hide the column.  It works fine with sortable tables, and in most cases with multi-column cells (in particular, cells that span multiple headers aren't attached to a specific one, so they get hidden/shown with either's buttons), but not with multi-row cells.

Information, live example.  It's as simple as putting the code at a CSS page (Mediawiki:Common.css, User:yourname/monobook.css, etc.) and changing the image paths at the top (upload the images somewhere rather than linking to mine - try ImageShack, TinyPic).  Then give the first row in a table column the 'hideable' (and maybe 'hidden') class; here's the example on the information page I linked to in MediaWiki terms:

{| class="wikitable"
! class="hideable" | hideable header
! class="hideable hidden" | hideable header that starts hidden

Bug reports and feature requests (not that there's much potential for expansion here) are welcome.
The Lounge / Re: Internet browsers
November 06, 2010, 09:48:34 PM
...Are you sure you downloaded the right thing?  Midori isn't written in Python.  (...Is it a coincidence that Catfish, something available at the same site, is?)
The Lounge / Re: Internet browsers
November 06, 2010, 09:07:44 PM
I wasn't really advertising (I don't even use it), just wondered if anyone, really, had heard of/used it.  I've been following it for quite a while, just checking the latest version every now and then, and in the last year it's gone from very buggy and barely usable to what it is now.  I think xfce adopted it as their default browser a while back.

I've never used it on Windows, though, and it doesn't seem to be their focus, so I can't much anything about it there.
The Lounge / Re: Internet browsers
November 06, 2010, 08:51:13 PM
Does Firefox render anything wrong?  And pretty much all WebKit browsers display websites the same, if they're using the same version, so it's like Chrome/Chromium there.

First, there's maybe only one other browser that uses GTK - unlike pretty much everything else, Midori looks native on my desktop.  It's also light (download size, memory), clean, fast, but still with a decent featureset.  Private browsing, add an extra frame with its own set of tabs, toolbar customisation.  Customise every keyboard shortcut.  Built-in ad-blocking, RSS reader, mouse guestures, auto-filling forms, user styles, user scripts, element inspector and development tools.

Little things you don't really see anywhere else, or at least where they're easy to find.  Things like copying URLs of all open tabs to the clipboard, switching between tabs like you would programs in most modern desktops with alt-tab (goes by recency instead of position), duplicate tab, hide text from a tab so it's only got an icon, import/export bookmarks, useragent switcher (and with some defaults to choose).  Easily assign external applications as text editor, download manager and feed reader.  Easily add custom search engines - like with Firefox, only for anything: it doesn't have to have an addon for it already.

And it's only at version 0.2.9.
The Lounge / Re: Internet browsers
November 06, 2010, 04:44:13 PM
Well, I don't think it's a huge stretch of logic to infer from the post above mine that it's a browser using WebKit.

The Lounge / Re: Internet browsers
November 06, 2010, 09:08:42 AM
Have you tried Midori?
The Lounge / Re: Post your desktop! :)
October 30, 2010, 07:51:00 AM
Wow, you have a pile of dust?

(I've never used one, but there's nothing wrong with Macs apart from the price, IMO.  POSIX FTW.)
The Lounge / Re: Post your desktop! :)
October 09, 2010, 10:48:47 PM
The Lounge / Re: Internet browsers
October 09, 2010, 10:46:20 PM
Firefox, with 19 addons (plus LittleFox) at last count (...that is, just now), stuff I can't see being able to replace easily with anything else any time soon.  I use Midori or Chromium to test stuff I'm working on, or when other people want me to look something up (so that I'm not logged in at various places), or just to see how they're getting along every now and then.
The Lounge / Re: NIWA Community Thread 2010
October 09, 2010, 10:17:48 PM
Beep.  This mess, mostly, AFAI'm aware.