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Messages - tacopill

Fan Creations / Re: Table Top RPG's?
April 19, 2010, 03:22:49 AM
Thank you guys!

Now, on to the work.

1) We still need a name.
2) please review the rules i proposed 11 posts ago. I will quote them here for you conventince:
Quote from: tacopill on April 17, 2010, 02:18:59 PM
Here is what i propose:
1) Only characters who are from the Mario Universe or Zelda Universe, or are OC's from there can be here.
2) PC's must be distinct from existing (or formally existing) characters, and must be distinct from all other characters in the Nintendo Multiverse. This includes:
* no Pokemon Trainers, unless the character can train monsters/creatures from the respective universes as specified in #1
* no characters from star fox, earthbound/mother, etc. Deliberate knock offs will have their character killed as soon as someone notices and gives a warning and a chance to add said distinction, but has not complied in 1 week.
3) A later post always overrides an earlier one, unless otherwise specified by the three of us.
4) If a player can't continue for a period of time, it is asked that the player writes one more notice, where the character asks to leave temporarily. The reason should fit well with the character.
5) if the player needs to leave permanent, they should inform the GM as to this and allow the GM to adapt the story, if needed, to the change.
6) Private messages concerning the game, backroom conferencing and other similar actions are discouraged, and if they cause a decrease in quality of the game, all participates maybe asked to leave this game.
7) The exception to #6 is any player-GM talks, that neither person wants public AND is necessary for the game to continue. These include: finding items, information, etc. that not everyone in the party should know at the current moment.
8) Each player is responsible for there own inventory after their initial setup. They are responsible for ensuring no fluctuation in quantity of the items happens, without an in-game reason (like, "i found 30 arrows *holds up arrows*").
9) Each player should not randomly generate a key item. If they have an idea for one, please inform the GM first through and if approved, he/she will add it to the story.
10) All rules questions clarifications should go in the "rules" thread. All out-of-game introductions should go in the "sign up" thread. All in-game information, except anything included in the signup/introduction post, should go in the "play" thread.

So, what do you think?

3) Some time during the week or next weekend, i am going to pm pokenutter with my idea for the main goal of the story. I have a major presentation to give on Thursday, and homework due on Friday, so i make no guarantees about it. If i do find a break between the weekend and now to type it up, i will send it to him/you.
4) not to sound egocentric or power hungry, but what positions/titles do we need establish for this?
5)  how far back should we acknowledge edits? i mean, we can discourage a person from editing 10, 20 or 30 posts backwards, effectively changing events that happen; but is there anything we can do about it, should they do it anyway?
6)  speaking of which, how far back should we expect the user to read? it would be kind of harsh for us to expect them to remember something that happened 25 posts ago, especially if the player is just joining us.
7) Also, will this be free form, or stats-based?
Fan Creations / Re: Table Top RPG's?
April 18, 2010, 04:48:34 AM
Well, who said things won't go back to normal when the game is done.

Although, distinct timelines does make more sense.

And to answer your other question.... yes.


you probably just have a different mentality, so you see different connections between things.
Fan Creations / Re: Table Top RPG's?
April 17, 2010, 10:20:03 PM
ah. my apologizes for ninja'ing you.

Tell me if anything happens. I think we will stop developing this for the moment, until we hear something from you guys.
Fan Creations / Re: Table Top RPG's?
April 17, 2010, 02:29:49 PM
I do believe that is what i was asking. See quote:

Quote from: tacopill on April 17, 2010, 02:18:59 PM

  • do we need to give notice to the admins on that we are doing this? do we need their permission on anything specific?

So, yes. I believe we are requesting to start one. How do we go about it? Also, do you like what we have so far? any recommendations to/for change?

And sorry for putting you in an uncomfortable position.....and if we jumped the gun for a minute there.
Fan Creations / Re: Table Top RPG's?
April 17, 2010, 02:18:59 PM
I don't believe you are missing anything we haven't already mentioned/talked about.

before we do those, we need need to agree to a couple of things and seek a few answers.

  • what will we call this? NIWA-Forum RPG?
  • do we need to give notice to the admins on that we are doing this? do we need their permission on anything specific?

Now, on to the rules. Here is what i propose:
1) Only characters who are from the Mario Universe or Zelda Universe, or are OC's from there can be here.
2) PC's must be distinct from existing (or formally existing) characters, and must be distinct from all other characters in the Nintendo Multiverse. This includes:
* no Pokemon Trainers, unless the character can train monsters/creatures from the respective universes as specified in #1
* no characters from star fox, earthbound/mother, etc. Deliberate knock offs will have their character killed as soon as someone notices and gives a warning and a chance to add said distinction, but has not complied in 1 week.
3) A later post always overrides an earlier one, unless otherwise specified by the three of us.
4) If a player can't continue for a period of time, it is asked that the player writes one more notice, where the character asks to leave temporarily. The reason should fit well with the character.
5) if the player needs to leave permanent, they should inform the GM as to this and allow the GM to adapt the story, if needed, to the change.
6) Private messages concerning the game, backroom conferencing and other similar actions are discouraged, and if they cause a decrease in quality of the game, all participates maybe asked to leave this game.
7) The exception to #6 is any player-GM talks, that neither person wants public AND is necessary for the game to continue. These include: finding items, information, etc. that not everyone in the party should know at the current moment.
8) Each player is responsible for there own inventory after their initial setup. They are responsible for ensuring no fluctuation in quantity of the items happens, without an in-game reason (like, "i found 30 arrows *holds up arrows*").
9) Each player should not randomly generate a key item. If they have an idea for one, please inform the GM first through and if approved, he/she will add it to the story.
10) All rules questions clarifications should go in the "rules" thread. All out-of-game introductions should go in the "sign up" thread. All in-game information, except anything included in the signup/introduction post, should go in the "play" thread.

So, what do you think?

Also, will this be free form, or stats-based?
Fan Creations / Re: Original Trainer Class!
April 17, 2010, 05:42:26 AM
thank you. i will put some thought into it.
Fan Creations / Re: Table Top RPG's?
April 17, 2010, 05:41:03 AM
* applauds*  very good sir. This will be fun.

In the rem-nets of the old mushroom kingdom, a shiny triangle glows. Very few people see it. Most, just pass it by. Others see it, but refuse to go exploring about it.

They say the triangle tests you. What for, who knows? But i hear, if you fail this test, you are whisked away. Whisked away, and never heard from again.

As i sit in the street, looking for some change, a child looks around for the shiny triangle. Does he think the rest of us are stupid? Keeping my distance, I follow behind.

The child finds the triangle in an ally. Touching it, the triangle starts to levitate. Then a voice is heard. I hear it. The child hears it. But apparently no one else does.

The voice is ominous. And comes from every direction. How does no one else here it? It asks: "You children. You have been chosen to right what once went wrong." Wait, there only one child before it...is it, is it speaking to me as well?

"You two display a trait few others possess. Where fear stands for others, you hold courage. Where ignorance stands, you hold wisdom. And with you i see the power to help restore me, with the other two part of myself. But you can't do it alone. And neither can you."

All of a sudden, the triangle faces my direction. Out of reflex, i pick up a rock and throw it. But it was simply deflected.

Ok, so i will try something else. Looking around, i see a sling shot. I pick it up, and notice something on the back of my hand: It is in the shape of two triangles, with a third one on top. This is new.

I turn around, and look at the other child. He shows me the back of his hand, it also has a triangle. Maybe we are connected?

"Good. Now, both of you come here." I grab the sling shot, and walk over. I take a look at the other kid. He's holding a boomerang.

"Now, before beginning on your quest, you will need to meet with the others who will be helping you out." All of a sudden, two fairies start surrounding me. My environment starts to wrap and distort, until i appear in a room with several other people. Since the triangle said these people are suppose to help us out, i guess i will introduce myself. "Hi, I'm Max."
My character:

Race: Hyrulean.
Class: ??? (ninja?)

- Improved inventory (able to carry bigger items, and more of them).
- High evasiveness.

When i read your story, this is the first thing that came to mind. Sorry if i ruined any plans of yours.

Fan Creations / Re: Original Trainer Class!
April 17, 2010, 12:57:52 AM
I like it. It's simple, colors go well together. Plus he sounds interesting.
On to my next one, a fire trainer. Marqueing, just because.

If i was to give a related personality, it would be this:

A firey trainer from Cinnabar Island, he's out to prove he's more than just hot air.
Fan Creations / Re: Table Top RPG's?
April 17, 2010, 12:28:55 AM
A Cross over would be nice, but how would it work? i mean, the mechanics of Zelda and Mario are different....

The problems i see currently,

  • Mario lends itself easier to parties, but require a lot of physical work for the characters.
  • Zelda, even though its less physical, has for the most focused on one hero doing pretty much everything (except the four swords sub-series).   

What we need is a good blend of the two, were a take the plurality of races, dungeons, items, etc from Zelda and combine it with the platforming of Mario. Hm....multi-platform/mutli-item dungeons, where you have something to do for those who skills derive from the Mario Universe and those who derive from the Zelda Universe.
Fan Creations / Re: Table Top RPG's?
April 16, 2010, 05:42:12 PM
cool, thank you.

Before diving in, which franchise(s) do you think would best lend itself to a Tabletop RPG?

Pokemon's a give-in. I have some draft work i plan on posting to this thread, once we have an idea more of an idea of which franchise we wish to work on, and which we do not.

Also, My summer's currently up in the air, but when i get things together, i want to set up a (or many) mediawiki(s) to help out on this.

Again, Thank you for helping out.
NIWA Discussion / Re: Suggestions
April 16, 2010, 05:26:51 PM
Because that would spoil things
Fan Creations / Re: Original Trainer Class!
April 16, 2010, 05:21:15 PM
Quote from: pokenutter on April 16, 2010, 01:43:00 PM
http:// file:///C:/Documents%20and%20Settings/PA%20Cyber/Desktop/Nori.bmp
          ^           on you computer                  ^

i don't think that worked. See, you tryied pasting a URL of image on your computer. But since we aren't on your computer, we can't see it.

I don't this forum has uploading, otherwise i'd recommend it. Hm.... do you have membership to a site where you are aloud to upload? like photobuck, flikr or deviantart? if you do, upload it there and then place the images url between these tags:

The sites i listed usually have some kind of auto-generated code to assist.
Fan Creations / Original Trainer Class!
April 14, 2010, 06:18:15 PM

Original Trainer Class - Grass Trainer

Testing out original trainer classes..... this one is grass trainer.

Which ever suits me best maybe my new profile pic on my facebook

create your own:

and Thanks raefwolfe.deviantart.com & Hapuriainen.deviantart.com

What do you guys think?

(Feel free to make your own and throw them in the thread).
yea... i know the feeling
NIWA Discussion / Re: Suggestions
April 12, 2010, 04:41:49 AM
It's ok. not a problem.
NIWA Discussion / Re: Suggestions
April 11, 2010, 11:53:04 PM
Quote from: Austin on April 11, 2010, 11:26:04 PM
*Moved to suggestions.*

excuse me... i believe i am allowed to ask question in that thread.... :P

Quote from: Tucayo on April 11, 2010, 11:30:39 PM
It is being worked on by Mel and Aiedail. We hope to have it updated soon

Cool, thank you for informing me.
NIWA Discussion / Re: Suggestions
April 11, 2010, 06:45:38 PM
Is the niwa home page ever going to be updated? i mean.. a custom search engine that includes all the niwa wiki's would be helpful to put there.....i don't think it's just three wiki's anymore.

just saying.
Lylat Wiki has just put together a Interwiki policy to help ward off acts of plagiarism. I am currently looking for people to give me feed back on it, so if you are interested in reviewing it (or even becoming a contributor :D), please contact me. We aren't ready to go public, but we are ready for content - It's a confusing time in a wiki' life - and we need all the help we can get.

Also, i support these actions of of making the smash wiki independent. It is a very good wiki i reference often, wikia-parts sometimes withheld.  ;D
Nintendo Gaming / Re: The hype of the 3DS!!!
April 09, 2010, 03:06:32 AM
R.I.P. Nintedo. We Will miss you.
Fan Creations / Table Top RPG's?
March 22, 2010, 02:56:12 AM
(sorry if i place this in wrong category)

Hey guys, do you of know of any good Nintendo-based Table top RPG's?

i'm looking specifically for Pokemon, but anyone based on Star Fox, Mario, Mother/Earthbound, etc. will do.

*Thinks out loud*
NIWA, the RPG  :laugh: