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Messages - Maxite

The Lounge / Re: say something about the above person
December 04, 2010, 03:00:09 AM
^ is an electric orange androgynous fox.
Because Lucy has some 'splaining to do!

Have you seen my doggy?
No, it's feta cheese.

Where in the world is Carmen Sandiego?
A 90/75 rule could have some unforeseen consequences. For one, smaller franchises would take a heavy hit if one of their games (or spinoff games) went onto another console. Secondly, it would leave certain franchises stranded without any decent IWA (unless we get random IWAs forming that have no themes).

I think the rule of best fit should apply: Are there other (possible) IWAs that franchise could fit in? If the answer is no, and the franchise is mostly based on Nintendo systems, then they would join NIWA. If the answer is yes, and the franchise best fits with NIWA, then it goes with NIWA, otherwise it goes the other IWA.
The Lounge / Re: One-line-per-post story game
December 02, 2010, 06:08:16 PM
cleanly in their rosy buttocks.
The Lounge / Re: One-line-per-post story game
December 02, 2010, 04:32:15 AM
And suddenly: King Dedede wearing a frilly toupee!
Yes, but he's in a pet cemetary now.

How many beads would a bidoof bead if a bidoof could bead beads?
Pokémon / Re: New moves and new effects
December 02, 2010, 04:23:17 AM
I've given too much thought to this, so prepare for a long post (and even then, this still isn't every move I'd like to see...)

Type: Ground
Designation: Status
Effect: Pokemon is trapped (can't switch out)

Type: Poison
Designation: Status
Effect: Pokemon is trapped (can't switch out)

Type: Poison
Designation: Status
Effect: Pokemon releases radioactive dust into the air that will either burn, paralyze, or poison Pokemon who switch in (in the Spikes, Toxic Spikes, and Stealth Rock family)

Identity Theft
Type: Dark
Designation: Status
Effect: Pokemon copies the stats of the opposing Pokemon

Meteor Shower
Type: Dragon
Designation: Status
Effect: Weather condition which damages all Pokemon who aren't Dragon-type

Itching Powder
Type: Poison
Designation: Physical
Effect: User scatters power that lowers opponents Defense and Special Defense one stage.

Type: Dark
Designation: Physical
Effect: Does more damage the slower the opponent is compared to your Pokemon (and has no effect if opponent is faster)

Type: Psychic
Designation: Status
Effect: User raises speed by one stage of all allies and lowers speed by one stage for all opponents for one turn (best used in double or triple battles)

Type: Steel
Designation: Attack
Effect: Priority +2 attack

Type: Ice
Designation: Status
Effect: Covers field in ice. Pokemon that receive a physical hit get switched out (applies to both sides).

Type: Poison
Designation: Special
Effect: Weather condition that deals damage to all Pokemon who aren't Poison or Steel-type.

Heavenly Light
Type: Psychic
Designation: Status
Effect: Weather condition that heals all Pokemon that are Psychic types.

Pokémon / Re: Favorite Generation
December 02, 2010, 03:58:08 AM
Generation II is my favorite, but Gen IV is a close second.
Granted, Gen II is also when I grew bored of Pokemon, which didn't revive until I found a bundle pack of Ruby+Sapphire+Game Guide at Target. So the 3rd Generation brought me back to the games, and eventually drew me into the online community.
Pokémon / Re: Type combinations you wish to see
December 02, 2010, 03:54:54 AM
I think a Grass/Dragon type would be quite interesting (and it would still be 4x weak to Ice).
Grass/Ghost would also be an interesting addition (a withered/wilted plant, perhaps?)
Someone earlier mentioned a Grass/Fire Pokemon (heh heh, Burning Bush? Brush Fire?), and I think that'd be amazing, as it would remove Grass' weakness to Fire, Ice, and Bug and Fire's weakness to Water and Ground. Give it good stats and you'd have a very competitive Pokemon.
Psychic/Ghost and/or Psychic/Dark would also be another amazing type combination.
I think that a Ground/Fighting type would be nice to have competitively as well, hitting with STAB Earthquake and Close Combat (if given those moves).
Steel/Ghost would make for a very impressive tank, being immune to three types and only being weak to Fire and Ground.
Fighting/Ghost would make for a nice (if frail) offensive Pokemon.
Bug/Psychic would be interesting in another way (although it was have six weaknesses).

I have a question that maybe someone can help explain to me:
How does one make a working character template? I've been trying to find pre-made templates through Google and browsing through other wikis, but nothing I've found has been 100% useful. I either can't access the coding that makes the template work, or when I do get the template and put it on my site (and do some minor modification), it doesn't work.

I just want a simple character template that has Name on top, then picture, then various details about the character (Gender, Role, Favorite Items, Detested Items, etc...).

I'm not looking for someone to write me a template, I'm just looking for a resource on making a template of that type, because none of the resources I've found through hours of Google have been useful. Of course, if you want to write me a template I wouldn't complain. :P

Much thanks,
- Maxite
Sure, where's Foroum (is your house inside the Earthbound universe?).

Who likes short shorts?
The Lounge / Re: say something about the above person
December 01, 2010, 11:52:00 PM
Didn't bother to correct RamblinEvilMushroom that Maxite is a *he*.
The Lounge / Re: say something about the above person
December 01, 2010, 11:11:16 PM
master crazy hand shops at Game Stop for the hottest deals in video gaming.
The Lounge / Re: What are you playing now?
December 01, 2010, 08:27:52 PM
I'm currently playing Rune Factory 3.
Because he's in sheep's clothing.

Why did Nintendo allow Hollywood to make the "Super Mario Brothers" movie?
I'm working on slowly building up a wiki on Wikkii. Don't have much (okay, hardly anything) up yet, but I'm trying to create a useful way to lay out the info.  If anyone is interested in Rune Factory, then you can try it at www.harvestrune.com or http://harvestrune.wikkii.com/wiki/Main_Page

From what I can see, it is a nice little ground for setting up a wiki.
At some point, it needs to be considered that there might be "misfits" who don't fit in perfectly with the rest. Harvest Moon is a perfect example, as it doesn't perfectly fit into NIWA since it does have some games (and even ports) onto other consoles. A Marvelous Entertainment Independent Wiki Association would be clumsy at best since MMV makes games for all sorts of consoles and many of their games are one-offs or related to anime or manga series. The main (and best) connection that Harvest Moon has is that it has primarily been on Nintendo consoles.
I think that NIWA should be capable of adopting series that are orphaned (have no real IWA that they could ideally belong to) if a decent Nintendo connection can be established. I'm sure that there are other series besides the Harvest Moon/Rune Factory franchise that are in a similar tight spot.
Sadly, I don't believe that it's a "Nintendo Franchise" as has been defined in the post you cite. However, the series has a long history on Nintendo consoles, with a good bulk of them (over 75%) being on Nintendo consoles. It may not be the most "faithful" of franchises, but it is a franchise of respectable size that is still growing. I feel it would be a shame not to include Harvest Moon/Rune Factory in NIWA.
There is a major franchise that I'd like to point out is missing some attention: The Harvest Moon / Rune Factory franchises. They have dozens of video games under those franchises (most of them on Nintendo), and new games are constantly coming out for those two franchises as well, so they are still relevant.