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Messages - 2Tie

According to the editing guidelines, humour is welcomed in articles, as long as it doesn't become the sole reason for an edit, nor is offensive. That being said, opinion *should* be generally be avoided, but personable writing is fine.

Been a fan/editor of the wiki for a year or so, been a part of its community for some five years now. I'd be fine for them to join, but no biggie if it doesn't happen.
Hard Drop Tetris Wiki also has content from non-Nintendo games, so I don't think TCRF would be much of an issue in that respect. That being said, they do host many prototype ROMs (and them taking down those files/links isn't something that will probably happen readily), which is I believe one of the big points that came up last time TCRF was discussed.

That being said, I can ask most of the staff of TCRF if they'd be interested if we decide to go with it, as I am in almost all of their staff groups already :P
I haven't had any issues with editing or moderating any wiki becoming difficult yet (including the one I co-admin), so I'm gonna say nah. "If it ain't broke don't fix it".
