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Topics - Gambler

The Lounge / Our games in danger
December 14, 2010, 11:47:55 PM
I would like to have your attention to discuss this topic:


A new bill in Japan has been passed and it will affect Nintendo and some of their franchises. By the banner in the article the first affected might be Pokémon and even if Nintendo is a pretty tame company compared to their competence this might affect the quantity and theme of future games.

I hate poorly worded bans that base their decisions upon a council of people who will obviously be against just because they don't understand the culture.
Pokémon / New moves and new effects
November 29, 2010, 08:37:17 PM
So, what new moves and what new effect would you like to see for Gen VI?

Pokémon needs more effect inducing moves with different types to avoid things like just paralyzing with electric types or poison with poison types.

Example: Lead throw, a steel move with a chance of poisoning the target. Or Permafrost, a ground move that freezes.

That or more creative effects, like Trick Room.

What's your ideas?
Other Media / The Big Bang Theory Thread
November 29, 2010, 08:29:07 PM
Hey Sheldon! Remember when you played Super Mario 64 in a bad coded emulator? Don't do that! Reclaim your Nintendo 64.

Favorite quotes? / Discuss the latest episode

(Bazinga! allowed)
Mario / Favorite Power Up
November 27, 2010, 03:10:40 AM
So, what's your favorite Power Up? Is it an item? a suit? All Mario games  :mario:

I like the Kuriboh shoe from Mario 3 and the penguin suit form NSMBW