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Topics - SMB

Pages: [1]
NIWA Discussion / Congratulations...
« on: August 31, 2010, 02:29:58 AM »
To our newest Forum Administrators, Tappy and Neo! Both of these users definitely deserve their new abilities. ;)


NIWA Discussion / Our official chat - DarkMyst or SystemNet?
« on: July 12, 2010, 02:08:55 AM »
Okay, I want to know: Which server do you guys feel we should stick with... DarkMyst (which is where the MarioWiki has their chat) or SystemNet (where Bulbagarden and Bulbapedia have their chats). I am posting a poll because I want to see what the majority of our users are comfortable with.

Here's my opinion on things:
*DarkMyst - simpler to use.
*SystemNet - a bit more... difficult for my taste, but seems to have more features in regards to controlling a channel (with the rankings of "halfop" and "superop" being more clear than the numeric-level system of DarkMyst).

I ask that you state your reasons behind your opinion in a post if you want to. In any case, please do vote.

NIWA Discussion / Chatroom (SystemNet server)
« on: July 12, 2010, 02:00:02 AM »


Membership and Affiliate Requests / Ace Attorney Wiki
« on: June 29, 2010, 11:59:16 PM »
Yes, as the title implies, there is an Ace Attorney Wiki out there. No, it is not a part of NIWA, but it would sure be great to see it become a member.

In short, the Ace Attorney series is a (relatively) Nintendo-exclusive series, although some of the games have been ported to the iPod as a playable game. The games in the series make for a captivating experience, it would add a lot to NIWA to have such a series covered by one of their members.

There is a wiki that is devoted to the series. It is an independent wiki, the site being hosted on a former Super Mario Wiki staff member's (Paper Jorge) site and led by the well-respected MarioWiki community member Turboo.

Although the series deserves its own wiki, the Ace Attorney Wiki is a bit lacking in activity; and as a result, content. I implore you to join the site and help out a bit: the Ace Attorney series deserves better coverage. By helping out the wiki, you'd also be helping the site come closer to being able to join NIWA. If the site joins NIWA, you'll be helping the organization grow. You'd be doing a great help by fixing that one typo you see, or making that rewrite that you feel needs to be done. Every positive contribution makes a difference!

The Lounge / How many PMs do you have?
« on: June 13, 2010, 06:50:11 PM »
Another standard thread, just post how many PMs you have in this thread. I ask that you don't constantly post in this thread if you have the same amount of PMs, and please don't double-post if you receive a new PM and you just posted here... Wait until someone else posts an update in this topic.

I have 73 PMs.

Nintendo Gaming / MOVED: Metroid Other M
« on: June 04, 2010, 01:23:08 AM »
This topic has been moved to Metroid series due to it belonging there.

NIWA Discussion / The Shop
« on: May 03, 2010, 09:55:34 PM »
A link to the feature mentioned in the topic.

Say, I have a feeling that some of you may know about this already, while some of our members may not know. We have a feature on the forum known as the shop, in which you build up credits (referred to as "niwas") when you make new topics and post around the forum. You can use niwas to buy items that are available in the shop by default, and perhaps be able to use them on other systems that the Forum Administrators come up with.

List of Income:
  • Joining - When a new user joins the forum, he or she automatically receives 200 niwas off the bat (this does not apply to those who joined the forum before the shop was set up... Sorry! :().
  • Creating a New Topic - When a user creates a new topic, he or she will automatically receive 5 niwas.
  • Posting in a Topic - When a user posts a reply to a topic, he or she will automatically receive 2 niwas.

You can also send money to users

The purposes of some of these items are pretty obvious if you look at the names of the items, so I won't provide descriptions. If you don't know what one of the items does, then just check out the shop.

List of items available in shop:
  • Change Display Name
  • Change User Title
  • Increase Karma
  • Lottery Ticket
  • Random Money
  • Rock
  • Steal Credits
  • Sticky Topic
  • Test Item

There are also multiple people who are in charge of the shop, so if you need any assistance with the feature that you feel only an Admin can help you with, you can contact (note that these Administrators may not have the exact name listed below, so a link to their profile is also provided for your convenience):

If you have any questions, feel free to post in this topic.

Pages: [1]