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Messages - R7308xx

The Lounge / Re: What are you playing now?
June 14, 2011, 05:03:48 PM
Been playing around with the Game Notes app lately.
The Lounge / Re: Best camcorder/camera company
June 14, 2011, 05:02:51 PM
Just got a new NIKON 3100. Pretty awesome!
Here I am, look at me now!

You can not grasp the true form of my power now!!! MUAHAHAHAHAH!!!

Anyways, yah, hard drive blew. Got a new one FINALLY!
The Lounge / Re: NIWA Community Thread 2011
June 14, 2011, 04:58:21 PM
Have I missed much?  ;D

The Lounge / Re: What are you playing now?
May 07, 2011, 07:47:49 PM
Banjo-Kazooie, the best N64 game ever! (Besides Majora's Mask).
Something like this should not exist on the earth.
The Lounge / Re: What color is your bedroom?
May 02, 2011, 02:45:02 AM
I used Mario Paint...

And now it's red.
The Lounge / Re: NIWA Community Thread 2011
May 02, 2011, 02:44:13 AM
I bought the 450 one. ^-^
The Lounge / Re: What are you playing now?
April 21, 2011, 03:47:57 PM
The Lounge / Re: NIWA Community Thread 2011
April 21, 2011, 03:44:53 PM
Happy, happy, Okamiden!
The Lounge / Re: What's your zombie survival plan?
April 21, 2011, 03:18:55 PM
I would refuse to believe that zombies exist and that 2012 is the end of the world.  :o
The Lounge / Re: NIWA Community Thread 2011
April 18, 2011, 12:11:08 PM
The question mark that has "New member! Coming soon!" on it. Are you blind or just an idiot?
The Lounge / Re: NIWA Community Thread 2011
April 17, 2011, 06:33:50 AM
Quote from: Kaiba on April 17, 2011, 06:30:00 AM
Wait, why do you want to play /that/?

You do know that game got horrible reception right?

Because of a few performance problems and a bad interface? I don't care, it's Final Fantasy.
The Lounge / Re: NIWA Community Thread 2011
April 17, 2011, 05:06:56 AM
I just cleaned 30 GB of crap off my computer! Now I can play Final Fantasy 14.
...defeat Ganon. But Ganon turns out to just be a rumor, and the real enemy is Fanon! You call your army (which are, by the way, all Pigmasks) and they shoot cannonballs from their Pork Tanks. Fanon sends out this little piggy, but it turns out he cried wewewewewewewe all the way home. So Fanon calls his twin sister, Anfon. Anfon complains that she broke a nail, and you get so annoyed that you throw the world at her. You finish Anfon and Fanon off, but you shatter the world in the process. Great job. You lead your army into Osohe Castle trying to look for tape so you can fix the world, but you are attacked by a Whatever and its cohort. You show him an ad for the Wii 2, and he is surprised. You throw the Whatever and its cohort off the edge of the broken world, but the Whatevers are endangered, so you are arrested by PETA. You give them a pita and they will start to call you Peter. But the world is still broken, so you ask your dead mother Matchlock Gun for help. But your mother was killed by a Dinosau on top of Coriander Mount. You cry at her tombstone in Maniafam Settlement. You cry, and cry, and cry, and cry... 3 years pass, and you are now 300. The settlement you live in has been overrun by Bill's Gates. You fall down and are sent through the floor to The Room Room. There's too much room, so you use a vacuum cleaner and suck up all the room in the room. The Earth gets tired of waiting for you to fix it, so he decides it's Cataclysm Time, the only game show that you really want to watch! You are amazed by all the commercials and go sign up to be a contestant. But the producers don't like how your name is spelled, so you get the consolation price of a free maiming! Your entrails start falling out and you turn into a Gooey Goo! But the Jealous Bass is jealous that he's American and Mother 3 isn't, so he gets his friend, the Beaten Drum and the Softly Weeping Guitar. But he is amazed by your DCMC Boxers. and offers you 1,000,000 dollars if he can sniff them. But of course, the Jealous Bass doesn't have that kind of money, and he was never a fan of DCMC anyway. So he stabs you with his conductor's baton and leaves you to die in your own blood, when he is surprised to see that your wound healed when you thought of Matchlock Gun. You use this to your advantage by...
Nintendo Gaming / Re: Best heartrending moments.
April 08, 2011, 11:53:18 PM
New Age Retro Hippie used Bullhorn!

"Your mother is calling!"

Lucas couldn't stop crying!
The Lounge / Re: What are you playing now?
April 08, 2011, 08:31:51 PM
Ouenden and No More Heroes 2.
The Lounge / Re: Your forum member pyramid
April 07, 2011, 01:46:42 AM
Seriously, be serious, I'm seriously being serious with you guys here, seriously.
The Lounge / Re: What are you playing now?
April 07, 2011, 01:45:15 AM
Mmmm playin' Mother 1 for about the 80th time. I'm stuck on the Sweet Factory. Also playing my friend's EarthBound cart, I'm at Fourside right after Pokey and his father leave in a helicopter on the Monotoli Building.
Still don't have a Mother 3 cart.