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Messages - Archaic

NIWA Discussion / Re: Donkey Kong Wiki problem
November 17, 2010, 08:42:06 PM
It's probably worth noting here that the one who's providing the hosting to DK wiki is (if I'm not mistaken), Super Mario Wiki owner Porplemontage. I'm assuming he's got some kind of long term plan to avoid having too much crossover or something.
The Lounge / Re: Well Wikia's just done themselves in.
October 29, 2010, 02:28:08 AM
That's something you'd have to ask them and porple. He's the one who contacted them.
The Lounge / Re: Well Wikia's just done themselves in.
October 29, 2010, 12:07:30 AM
Someone already has.
The Lounge / Re: Well Wikia's just done themselves in.
October 27, 2010, 04:54:36 AM
WoWWiki (now Wowpedia) is the largest wiki to have left, and was the largest Wikia wiki full stop.

While they're hosted by Curse rather than being hosted by themselves, I would consider them independent. Curse has given their existing staff full editorial and creative control over the site. In a way, it's similar to the situation of Pikipedia, who are hosted by Mario Wiki even as they retain full control.

While adding them as a member wouldn't work in the context of NIWA, an affiliation of some sort would be very nice. They'd also make a fine founding member for when we go on to make an umbrella group for independent game wiki's.
NIWA Discussion / Re: Usage of Fanon
October 23, 2010, 01:26:12 AM
We're all for the inclusion of more fanon wiki's. Previously, we tried to encourage Fantendo to join, and while their staff were all in favour of it, going as far as starting to setup an independent wiki and trying to move things over, their userbase didn't really give it a chance and rejected the idea.
NIWA Discussion / Re: Suggestions
October 21, 2010, 10:12:19 PM
Quote from: vince220 on October 21, 2010, 09:34:19 PM
Is it possible to create a wiki that incorporates the articles of all the other wikis? Basically an all-inclusive Nintendo-wiki so that I could enter something into the search bar and articles from any sub-wiki could show up?

Something like that may be down the pipeline in the future, however it would work by redirecting you to that source wiki and its article, rather than actually displaying an article directly.
NIWA Discussion / Re: Suggestions
October 17, 2010, 10:22:27 PM
The larger a wiki organisation is, the less that could actually be done within that organisation without things turning into a Wikia and getting oppressive with requirements, etc. Personally, I'm of the opinion that if we were to ever expand beyond Nintendo, it wouldn't be under the NIWA banner. NIWA would remain in existence, as a separate group, and NIWA members wouldn't be obliged to join whatever larger umbrella organisation was set up. In the best case scenario I think, all we'd do would be to get together with whatever other groups set themselves up (there's already one for Sega games) and have something like a roundtable, with representatives of each.
NIWA Discussion / Re: Leader
October 04, 2010, 09:03:29 PM
You'll have to wait a little longer sorry, until the weekend. I'm swamped right now with my thesis, with a deadline on a part this Friday that I'm going to struggle to meet. Haven't been able to read everything in full.
NIWA Discussion / Re: Suggestions
October 02, 2010, 02:29:24 AM
I'm personally of the opinion that NIWA is NIWA. Rather than expanding NIWA to become all inclusive, I'd rather make an umbrella organisation for more general things, with NIWA being one of several "cells" of wiki groups under that umbrella organisation.
The Lounge / Re: Wikia announces new layout
October 02, 2010, 02:22:57 AM
If I do a search for NIWA there (just with ctl+F), I don't see it. Do you need to be logged in or something?

EDIT: Yup, as soon as I logged in, I saw it. Interesting...
Membership and Affiliate Requests / Re: Fire Emblem
September 30, 2010, 09:04:47 AM
A few questions.

1. Are our FE guys associated with any major FE website?
1a. Are the Wikia ones associated with any major FE website?
2. Have our guys talked to the Wikia guys at all?
3. Who's hosting our FE one? Axiomist?
Membership and Affiliate Requests / Fire Emblem
September 30, 2010, 05:55:59 AM
Someone was talking about possibly starting up a Fire Emblem wiki, weren't they?

Wikia has a very developed and established one, I'm thinking we should extend a hand to them before going full bore at establishing one ourselves. We don't want a repeat of Wikitroid. Any idea of these guys are in bed with any of the Fire Emblem fansites?
The Lounge / Re: Wikia announces new layout
September 12, 2010, 07:23:20 AM
Just to clarify the hate for Wikia though....what you said is correct.
"I know a few wikis there that are actually decent. Arguably even better than those run independently."

The thing is...that's not why we hate Wikia. While some of us do dislike some certain specific Wikia wiki's (those which have engaged in plagiarism, or deceptive practises), overall we don't dislike the individual wikis. What we do dislike is Wikia as a organisation, and how it operates in its relations with the fan communities it hosts, and the wider fan communities they are a part of.

I mean, hell, theoretically, a wiki farm could start up with people running it who actually care about fandoms and work together with wiki communities to make something that the wiki communities are happy with, without imposing on the wiki communities in any way. If that started up, we wouldn't have a problem with it whatsoever. Hell, we'd be all for it. I know of some (non-Nintendo) wikis out there in the wilderness which have corporate owners (who otherwise have no involvement in the fandom, so not a situation like the Guild Wars Wiki has), but where these owners don't interfere in the day-to-day running of the wiki, and where they work side by side with the wiki community to make something that everyone's happy with. That kind of situation is damn rare, but it can and has happened.
While in the long term, NIWA may be able to arrange hosting solutions for its smaller members, wikis that are trying for NIWA membership really need to show that they can stand on their own two feet first. Ideally, people starting up these wikis should be the existing communities around these franchises, rather than people who haven't run a wiki or large fansite before.
This may be old news for some, but I've only just become aware of it....and it makes my blood boil.

Bulbapedia members will know that Bulbapedia many years ago founded the Encyclopaediae Pokémonis, and that we carry the following box on the front page of all our member wikis
Encyclopaediae Pokémonisis a group of open-content Pokémon encyclopedias in several languages.
Deutsch (German): PokéWiki
English: Bulbapedia
Español (Spanish): Pokéteca
Français (French): Poképédia
??? (Japanese): ????Wiki
Polski (Polish): Wikinezka
Português (Portuguese): LANDpedia

What Wikia has done now is intentionally go out to try and confuse that brand, with the front page of their wikis proclaiming
QuoteEncyclopaedia Pokémedia is a group of free Pokemon wikis in different languages.

English: Pokémon Wiki
Spanish: WikiDex
Deutsch: German
French: Français
Polish: Polska
Japanese: ???
Portuguese: Poké Wiki

I'm a marketing academic by trade, so I know exactly why they've done it...and as a marketer I have to say that while it's an effective and some would argue legitimate tactic....it's cowardly and shows both a lack of personal pride, and a lack of respect for consumers (ie. our visitors and the wider fan community). Disgusting.
NIWA Discussion / Re: Suggestions
June 24, 2010, 11:11:20 PM
It's not really ready to go public yet, that's why. ^^;
Usually a couple of days after the news first breaks. In the case of these newly released legendaries, we know we're likely to get additional info on Pokémon Sunday tomorrow.
NIWA Discussion / Re: New NIWA Website Launched
May 16, 2010, 02:09:16 AM
Should there be a page there with the NIWA Manifesto?

EDIT: Nevermind, I see that's been incorporated into the about page now. Well said.
Basically, there's the chance that if I made certain accusations towards her or Wikia, and then started publishing it widely, that she could take me to court locally.