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The Lounge / Re: NIWA Community Thread 2011
May 08, 2011, 07:53:40 PM
Quote from: Kaiba on April 28, 2011, 07:00:15 PM
I restocked it in case nobody else did.
What a shame, to think that such a brilliant mind behind NIWA and a good friend to all of us is gone. NIWA will never be the same... indeed, what a huge loss.

Rest in peace, Ax: a good friend and a good man.

My condolences to the Zelda Wiki and WiKirby communities and the staff that have worked with him for so long. It honestly is bringing tears to my eyes typing this out; I can hardly imagine how many people must be affected by this and how emotionally impacting this must be.
NIWA Discussion / Re: Leader
October 04, 2010, 10:03:51 PM
Do you guys think Tucayo would be a good adjudicator? Of course I'm not trying to say Xizor and Axiomist aren't qualified, because they seem like they could be suited for the job, but I would like to get thoughts.

I've known Tucayo for a year. He has been a great leader in the community; holding numerous staff positions at the Super Mario Wiki (former Patroller, current Sysop, former 'Shroom director, current 'Shroom sub-director, and chat operator), WiKirby staff (he's listed as an "Ambassador"), NIWA forum administrator, and Userpedia (kind of related to the SMW community) sysop.

All that said, I've seen him work not only as a leader, but also as a team-player. When he went on hiatus just a few months ago, he stuck around to give input on SMW issues and NIWA issues. I've seen him on the NIWA forum almost every single day since it began, and he has been consistent in giving his opinions and accepting other opinions. If somebody comes up with an idea that he might not agree with, he doesn't discredit them outright and say their idea is worthless; whether or not he ends up agreeing with the other side or not, he listens to them and considers their points carefully and thoroughly.

He's a great leader and a great team player. He's kind and courteous to all that he works with; I know many people that have been rude to him and that he has responded with nothing less than respectfulness. He has put a lot of care and effort into helping out over here at NIWA; I think he would certainly be able to extend his help and service further if he is given this opportunity.

That all said, I'm sure you all know who I support now. Once again, I wish no hard feelings to Xizor or Axiomist. I feel all of you are qualified; it's just that Tucky is the nominee that I have worked most with and have seen him in action. I feel he should be given mention and consideration before this goes up on to some poll for voting.
NIWA Discussion / Re: Proposing some decrees.
October 03, 2010, 04:15:17 AM
Quote from: Xizor on October 03, 2010, 04:00:23 AM
I'm talking about the things we've been discussing in Private Boards. They should stay private for now, I think. ;)
I agree.

Quote from: Melchizedek on October 03, 2010, 04:00:48 AM
I was just talking last week with Archaic about the future direction of NIWA along with the staff of the new member wiki comig on Oct 15th, and the consensus was that we will one day expand. Take note of what Archaic said though - NIWA may remain as NIWA - but we will expand to many other independent wiki areas. They may be NIWA partners, not necessarily override NIWA. It's all future possibilities, so don't stress about it. What happens will be a logical and natural progression.

Also, wikis that are inactive are the very wikis that need NIWA support, not to be kicked out.
Perhaps there could be some umbrella organization that has the NIWA as a sub-organization?
NIWA Discussion / Re: Proposing some decrees.
October 03, 2010, 03:54:12 AM
Something I noticed:

Quote from: Xizor on October 03, 2010, 02:03:27 AM
I suppose, sure. I don't think we've ever come close to encountering this problem. The only one I see this having any bearing on was the Fantendo Fiasco, and I think we've been a bit too embarrassed to approach them again at this point.
Not quite. I approached them asking if they wanted to give independence another shot, and they were quite divided. Seeing the scars from the time we let them down, I decided to just let "nature take its course" and left the discussion to see how they'd react without me pressuring them. The discussion pretty much died with half-support and half-opposition.

And after some attempts at discussing some problems within NIWA between the NIWA staff, I felt it appropriate to leave Fantendo be (as most seem to be content with being on Wikia).
NIWA Discussion / Re: Leader
October 03, 2010, 03:42:13 AM
Quote from: Melchizedek on October 03, 2010, 02:31:59 AM
EDIT: I assume the eventually agreed upon leader will get admin rights???
That's what I assumed as well.
NIWA Discussion / Re: Leader
October 02, 2010, 11:51:42 PM
No problem!
NIWA Discussion / Re: Leader
October 02, 2010, 11:10:38 PM
Quote from: tacopill on October 02, 2010, 11:05:11 PM

So..... i actually don't understand what this graph means. is it bad to be in the RED and good to be in the Blue? if so, then why does it have a plus sign and not a minus?

if it is good to be in the RED, then going too far into it an example of a having a "too much of a good thing is bad"?
No. I used this diagram in another thread. :P

The black line in the middle is good. The red means more of something, blue means less of something. Here's a link to the first time I used the diagram: link.
NIWA Discussion / Re: Leader
October 02, 2010, 08:38:12 PM
I support Axiomist. Although he might have misinterpreted exactly what the leader position would do, I still think he's qualified and that once he sees the corrections pointed to him, he'll understand.

Quote from: Axiomist on October 02, 2010, 04:14:38 PM
To sum it all up, NIWA can't help anything grow if people think it's our fertilizer and reject it on the first visit, so yeah, we ought to reject every startup application on the first submission and list things they need to do beforehand-minor things mainly. And the most important part, talk to them, and/or help them.
I completely disagree with this, though. We've pretty much been doing this, and we've been trying to change it. Remember:

Immediately denying a request and forcing them to reapply is definitely too far into the red.

I still think subjective evaluation is the way to go. In that system, some will go a little far into the red and some a little far into the blue. But I think with the amount of people on the NIWA staff, the average opinion will most likely even out. It's the best suggestion we have so far, and I think it has the most support so far. It also gives way for a much more open debate and discussion about accepting wikis into our organization.

To draw from what you said, though, we can judge using this kind of rubric:

  • A developed Main Page
  • Policies
  • Example articles for core aspects beyond stub status
  • Staff activity
  • The necessity for a wiki that covers a certain topic.
  • Editors' willingness to work with NIWA staff

Some people will think that a simpler main page is good, some will think that a more complex and filled-out main page is better. Some will think that a wiki should have lenient policy, some think a wiki should have strict policy. Some of us have different definitions for stubs. Some of us have a different view on what "active" really means. Some have different views on the necessity of covering a certain topic. And some of us have different views on whether a wiki and its community will actually cooperate with us or not.

But these differences are what makes NIWA. If we were all the same and had the same point of view, then we'll just be a static, linear organization. But having different opinions thrown into the mix makes us dynamic and diverse. Of course we won't be perfect. We never will be. But making overly bureaucratic policies that force a certain view on the staff members just stunts our growth.

And I'll make an analogy here. We are a garden, yes? We claim that our garden grows many kinds of vegetables and fruits and crops. Yet we often find ourselves purposefully killing some of our crops because we don't think it'll sell well. NIWA is the garden. Our claims to growing diverse crops is our claim that we try to accept and help nurture any Nintendo wiki; whether it be an older wiki (such as Wars Wiki) or a newer one (such as Lylat Wiki) or whatever. Our killing certain crops because we don't think it will sell is our constant refusal of certain applying wikis just because they're a bit underdeveloped.

Once again, I find it ridiculous that WikiBound and ACWiki aren't members, or that they aren't confirmed to be joining yet. Sure, they don't meet all qualifications. But as gardeners, we should stick with our crops to the end. We should try our best to make our garden into a wealth of carrots and tomatoes and other kinds of things. It's the only way we can move forward.
No offense to supporters of WikiBound, but it really reminds me of some cheesy user-fiction over at Userpedia that comes from an era when everybody put the word "wiki" in the titles. I'm going to have to go with PK Wiki for the name.

However, the WiiBound logo is cool (so I'm kind of in the same dilemma as Tina I suppose :P).
NIWA Discussion / Congratulations...
August 31, 2010, 02:29:58 AM
To our newest Forum Administrators, Tappy and Neo! Both of these users definitely deserve their new abilities. ;)

Okay, I want to know: Which server do you guys feel we should stick with... DarkMyst (which is where the MarioWiki has their chat) or SystemNet (where Bulbagarden and Bulbapedia have their chats). I am posting a poll because I want to see what the majority of our users are comfortable with.

Here's my opinion on things:
*DarkMyst - simpler to use.
*SystemNet - a bit more... difficult for my taste, but seems to have more features in regards to controlling a channel (with the rankings of "halfop" and "superop" being more clear than the numeric-level system of DarkMyst).

I ask that you state your reasons behind your opinion in a post if you want to. In any case, please do vote.
NIWA Discussion / Chatroom (SystemNet server)
July 12, 2010, 02:00:02 AM

NIWA Discussion / Re: The Shop
July 08, 2010, 09:09:36 PM
Quote from: Laurus on July 08, 2010, 08:48:43 PM
These are the ones I think would work

    * Buy a password to a hidden forum (non-staff) - Amazing, should be expensive
    * View another user's warning level. - I dont get it
    * Change any member's title. - No
    * Decrease another member's bank interest. - Cool
    * Unban a user. - No way
    * Temp ban a user. - No
    * Change a user's signature. - No
    * Change a user's avatar. - No
    * Get random item. - Cool
    * Text effect added to username. - Could work, as long as it is regulated
    * Add to own post count. - I wouldn't like this
    * Close/open own topic. - People can already close it, and if they closed it, they can open it
    * Close/open any topic. - No
    * Increase bank interest rate. - Yea
Some of these won't even work. I know of forums that have password protected boards, but not SMF. Although some of these items could seemingly work universally.
Yes, as the title implies, there is an Ace Attorney Wiki out there. No, it is not a part of NIWA, but it would sure be great to see it become a member.

In short, the Ace Attorney series is a (relatively) Nintendo-exclusive series, although some of the games have been ported to the iPod as a playable game. The games in the series make for a captivating experience, it would add a lot to NIWA to have such a series covered by one of their members.

There is a wiki that is devoted to the series. It is an independent wiki, the site being hosted on a former Super Mario Wiki staff member's (Paper Jorge) site and led by the well-respected MarioWiki community member Turboo.

Although the series deserves its own wiki, the Ace Attorney Wiki is a bit lacking in activity; and as a result, content. I implore you to join the site and help out a bit: the Ace Attorney series deserves better coverage. By helping out the wiki, you'd also be helping the site come closer to being able to join NIWA. If the site joins NIWA, you'll be helping the organization grow. You'd be doing a great help by fixing that one typo you see, or making that rewrite that you feel needs to be done. Every positive contribution makes a difference!
NIWA Discussion / Re: Suggestions
June 25, 2010, 09:23:55 PM
Quote from: Axiomist on June 25, 2010, 10:23:29 AM
I've been thinking about this. I think we've been misusing the Alliance Requests thread. Let's reserve that one for existing wikis like Wars Wiki and GameHiker. They were around for a long time before NIWA. For startups from members of this forum we could have the NIWA Maternity Ward.
Here's my opinion on things:
The Alliance Request thread seems pretty active, as well as some other threads about incoming, pending, invited, considered, whatever wikis

Although this might have been the original suggestion, why don't we create a child board for all of the requests for affiliation or adding members in that board, and keep NIWA Discussion specifically for topics concerning the member-wikis, NIWA itself, and its forum?

In the child board for affiliation and suggestions for adding a member to NIWA, we could have each wiki have its own topic and then be able to sticky some as well. It would all work out.
NIWA Discussion / Re: The Shop
June 25, 2010, 09:15:54 PM
I don't believe it is possible.
NIWA Discussion / Re: Vote on the MarioWiki Awards
June 25, 2010, 09:14:18 PM
Quote from: Edofenrir on June 25, 2010, 06:43:35 PM
Wait, you need to be a member of the wiki in order to vote? oô
One does not have to b a member to vote... You just vote. :\
WiKid Icarus and Paletunapedia both sound pretty cool.
The Lounge / Re: 2010 E3 Thread
June 16, 2010, 10:42:40 PM
I jumped for joy when I hear about all these new games. I'm determined to get a job now. :)