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Doom (2016)

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Doom 2016 NA box.png
Developer(s): Panic Button
Publisher(s): Bethesda, Nintendo [1]
Platform: Nintendo Switch, Windows, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Stadia
Category: First-person shooter
Predecessor: Doom 64 (sequel to),
Doom 3 (predecessor)
Successor: Doom Eternal
Release dates
N. America: November 10, 2017
Japan: March 1, 2018
Europe: November 10, 2017
Australia: November 10, 2017
©2016-2017 id Software

NIWA affiliate The Doom Wiki is dedicated to documenting the Doom franchise.

Doom (2016), stylised as DOOM is a third party first-person shooter game, and a reboot of the Doom franchise featuring a space marine who fights monsters and undead creatures for the Union Aerospace Corporation (UAC).

The Nintendo Switch version of the game (released in 2017) was published by Nintendo.


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