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Topics - KidIcarus

I like the one for the NES.
Wiki References / Web Hosting Features
November 10, 2011, 11:48:54 PM
I'm looking into some web hosting services for a wiki. I see a ton of different features - FTP, MySQL, PHP5, cPanel to name a few. Now I'm not an expert at computers; which ones are necessary to run mediawiki?
NIWA Discussion / Announcement on Donkey Kong Wikia
April 22, 2011, 03:27:20 AM
Is the announcement on the top of the main page accurate at all?
The Lounge / Copyrights on Wikis
February 05, 2011, 08:00:43 PM
Suppose I personally own the rights to a copyright image. If I were to upload the image onto a wiki that uses a looser form of copyright, would the copyright on the image be degraded to that of the wiki?

If it makes any difference, the wiki uses the following copyright policy: Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported (CC BY-NC-SA 3.0)
Membership and Affiliate Requests / WiiBrew
January 14, 2011, 04:32:23 AM
Maybe NIWA should approach WiiBrew. They are a good resource for Wii hardware, firmware, and system software information, and they are an established and independent Nintendo wiki. They also have an active community.
I didn't mean to reveal this so soon, but it's probably best that I let everyone know now. I have started a new alliance, a supplement, not a competitor, to NIWA. There are four distinct reasons I created this alliance.

1.) To expose Wikia wikis to Monobook. DAWN also wants to show them the freedom a wiki can have when hosted off of Wikia. The alliance itself is hosted on Wikkii, so Wikia users, many of whom are beginners at editing, can get used to editing without the rich text editor. The alliance has a firm, though not rock-hard, stance against Wikia.

2.) To act as a minor league for NIWA wikis. How many of you guys knew we had developing wikis for Chibi-Robo!, Ace Attorney, Professor Layton, and Fire Emblem numerous franchises? I'm guessing most of you did not. That's because they have never been compiled into an organized page that new users are exposed to. The new alliance gives developing wikis some sort of spotlight.

3.) To act as a home for wikis that don't have immediate plans to leave Wikkii. Honestly, nothing is wrong with Wikkii.

4.) To act as an example for NIWA. Some of you guys have had grievances with NIWA - its issue of secrecy for example. The new alliance hopes to show NIWA that this user aristocracy is not necessary. If someone has any ideas that NIWA is not so willing to implement, maybe the new alliance will try it out and see how it works. This is not a knock against NIWA; it is understandable that an organization as developed as NIWA will be reluctant to enact changes because they could backfire. Because DAWN is rather small, it is easier to correct any problems that arise from the new ideas.

I just want to reiterate that DAWN does not mean to compete. DAWN will continue to improve and expand  - it's up to NIWA whether they want to work in cooperation with or in spite of it DAWN or not. For those of you who are interested after reading all of this, feel free to visit DAWN.
NIWA Discussion / Capcom Independent Wiki Alliance
December 04, 2010, 03:35:36 AM
I don't know how to go about suggesting such an alliance as I'm not a member of any Capcom wikis, but I know of three independent Capcom wikis that could potentially form an alliance.

- Okami World Wiki
- Megaman Mush
- Bionic Commando Database

Such an alliance would have so much potential to grow. There have been many talks on NIWA about an Ace Attorney Wiki; well Ace Attorney is a Capcom franchise. Street Fighter, Resident Evil, Monster Hunter, and Viewtiful Joe all have enough content for an independent wiki. That's at least eight potential wikis, three of which already exist.
NIWA Discussion / Whatever happened to SEIWA?
December 03, 2010, 04:36:44 AM
Whatever happened to the Square Enix IWA? Are they still considering a move toward independence, or have the talks died down?
NIWA Discussion / Breaking even for independent wikis
November 27, 2010, 11:35:52 PM
I'm just curious, of the NIWA wikis who pay for their own hosting/domain names, how many are able to break even financially after ads and/or donations? I would think at least some of the bigger ones - Super Mario Wiki, Bulbapedia, Strategy Wiki - are able to do so.
The Lounge / NIWA's forums have reached two milestones!
November 24, 2010, 01:03:39 AM
In a matter of twenty-four hours, these forums have reached two milestones!

We now have 502 total topics and 10002 total posts. Wiki Vandalism Fun was the 500th topic. I believe the 10000th post was by Tacopill  on the New Alliance Requests topic.

edit: The 10000th was actually by Lord Ferrok on the Type combinations you wish to see topic.
Membership and Affiliate Requests / Robopedia
November 17, 2010, 09:48:10 PM
I am in no way connected to Robopedia, but I found the wiki while browsing Wikia. You may want to approach them regarding a move to independence. They have a good article base and they seem to be fairly active.

NIWA Discussion / NIWA Membership
November 17, 2010, 12:16:12 AM
Aside from independence, what factors does NIWA consider when admitting new members?
The Lounge / Nintendo News Blog
November 13, 2010, 10:19:16 PM
What do you guys think of a Nintendo news blog run by the NIWA community?

I think it would be great from a publicity stand point. Many of the smaller wikis like Lylat Wiki and Wars Wiki are struggling to find a community. If we were to start a blog, we could link to an article on an appropriate wiki each time news pops up about that subject. Not only would this bring in potential editors, it would drive up traffic which could pull wikis higher up on Google search results.

Beyond that, the news blog could bring a sense of unity/centralization among the NIWA members. This point would be especially true if each wiki (or each wiki that wants to) was allowed one or two writers on the blog. That writer would be in charge of all the articles for his or her franchise. This would give the project the feel that it's a sum of all the wikis' work.

As a side consideration, NIWA may be able to generate some revenue which could be poured into advertising, temporary hosting space (for developing wikis), web design software, etc.

Some wikis already do this, so it would be an easy venture for them to join. For example: http://bulbanews.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Amity_Meadow_distribution_details_revealed. That example also shows how links could be integrated into an article.

I'd just like to hear some thoughts on this.
NIWA currently has twelve members.

Edit: I hadn't realized that the results would be so top-heavy. I'm going to adjust the options; all results will return to ''zero'' so feel free to vote again.
Other Media / What is your favorite band?
November 03, 2010, 11:22:18 PM
Mine is MGMT.
Hello members of NIWA:

I would like to request affiliation with NIWA and any member sites of NIWA that wish to offer it. Palutenapedia is a wiki that I created eight days ago. With the assistance of Turtwig A - a member of several NIWA wikis - Palutenapedia's article count has ballooned to fifty-three. I should, however, note that it is technically not independent. It is hosted by Wikkii. Wikkii is very different from Wikia, though.

Unlike Wikia, Wikkii really lets the creator do whatever he or she wishes.It's also very decentralized. For example, each wiki it hosts requires separate membership. If I'm not mistaken, Wikia has you use one account for all of it's wikis. Basically, each wiki is independent of Wikkii and all of Wikkii's sub-sites. The only connection is that they host it. They don't really monitor content or pressure owners into decisions. If you look at their wikis, you will notice that they don't even brand their name anywhere except for on a small banner in the bottom left corner.

Here is an example of an established wiki on Wikkii: http://gintama.wikkii.net/wiki/Gintama_%E9%8A%80%E9%AD%82. You can barely tell it's part of a ''wiki farm''. Here's a look at another Wikkii wiki - http://firefly.wikkii.com/index.php?title=Main_Page. The contrast in design just shows how little power Wikkii exerts on its users. Here are some of Wikkii's features - http://wikkii.com/wiki/Features. As proof that Wikkii actually cares about the advancement of its wikis, they offer advanced hosting options to dedicated wikis - http://wikkii.com/wiki/Advanced_Hosting. They even offer free domain names to the top wikis - http://wikkii.com/wiki/Free_Domain.

With the help of NIWA, I believe Palutenapedia can become the premier web source Kid Icarus information. Please consider our request for affiliation. :)

Here is a link to Palutenpadia - http://kidicarus.wikkii.com/wiki/Main_Page.
Super Smash Bros / What is your favorite SSB stage?
October 30, 2010, 02:16:12 PM
You can list your favorite stage(s) from each game if you've played more than one game.

My favorite is Spear Pillar because of all the effects the Pokemon have on the stage. PictoChat is also fun for smaller groups.
I am currently working on a Kid Icarus wiki. It is definitely not in shape to be a NIWA member at this moment, but I do hope to join sometime in the future. As many of you know, Pit plays a role in the Super Smash Bros series. So should I:

A.) create a full-fledged SSBB article
B.) link to SSB-Wiki's SSBB article
or C.) make an article named Kid Icarus in Super Smash Bros. and then link to SSB-wiki for greater detail

I guess this is a bit of a bigger question. Is NIWA just here to support independent wikis and prevent NIWA from monopolizing the "industry", or is it here to create a network of inter-linking wikis that can one day become a unified online encyclopedia for all things Nintendo?
Pikmin / Should I start Pikmin?
October 24, 2010, 08:44:07 PM
I bought it earlier this summer, but I haven't played it yet. I'm fairly busy right now, but I'm not exactly swamped. Should I start playing it now and play about 1 hour each day, or should I wait until I have a lot of free time and play it all in a weekend or two?

How long is it anyway? I generally don't like to play games when I'm busy because they get pushed aside. Then a month or so later, I'll be in the middle of a game I've forgotten so much about. I guess I can make an exception though if Pikmin is relatively short.
I am starting a Kid Icarus Wiki, but it will not initially start independently. I plan to start on a wikifarm to save myself some money. After all, the first couple months of a wiki will just be getting it on its feet. After the first few months, I will break away from the wikifarm and seek NIWA affiliation/membership. From prior experience, which wikifarm would you suggest as far as transferring with ease is concerned?

Edit: See post 3 for second part of topic.

Edit 2: The title of this thread originally asked which wiki farms handle exporting the best. The focus has sort of changed to evaluating Wikkii.com. I'm just saying this in case anyone is trying to follow this thread.