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Topics - tacopill

Nintendo Gaming / Favorite Glith/Hack in a game
June 15, 2010, 01:39:09 AM
Favorite Glith/Hack in a game. Could be used for fun, or to give an edge.

Mind is the following:

NIWA Discussion / Notice of a Leave of Absence
June 02, 2010, 03:49:06 AM
Just so i don't disappear without a trace, he's my upcoming schedule and why my activeness level is going to drop. Please move to the appropriate board, if this is not the right one

June 4th to 11th - I will be camping with little to no internet access.
June 24th to August 18th - I will be at my summer Job, and will have Internet access, but It's satellite-based internet, so the quality is largely dependent on the weather. If we get a server enough storm, i will have no internet at all. When we do have internet, i will stop by the forums when i don't have work to do, or when i am on a break.

Now, to give everyone an update on what i have been doing, and how they will be effected.

  • Lylat Wiki - about to become a ghost town, as Neo's activeness is dropping as well....if you are interested in contributing, please pm me.
  • Mushrule RPG -  There will still be people around to play the game and/or contribute to the game's wiki (like Pokenutter and mnt_otter, i hope). If you guys wish to put the game on pause, until i get back, that'll be fine; but with summer break coming up for a lot of people, this could be a fun thing to do during the summer.
  • Earthbound/Mother Wiki - i am still interested in putting this together. If anybody wishes to help me, please reply or pm me.

Am i missing anything?

Also, should i put my name in the title? if not, then anyone can post their leaves of absences, and it could get a little messy. If so, then it's only mine, and other people would need to create their own.... *evil laugh* Anyway, which would be preferred?
Pokémon / Funny/Sad Pokemon Anime Moments
June 01, 2010, 04:47:58 PM

I don't know if i should cry at this seen (i feel bad for pikachu), or laugh at it (he is crying to the audience).
Is there any time an article you guys publish that has the "breaking news story" status removed?
Pokémon / Type combinations you wish to see
May 28, 2010, 06:25:21 PM
What Pokemon Type combinations do you wish to see, but have yet to be in a game?

Note: even though Type-combos are order specific, please don't recommend something you know game freak won't do, like a Flying-Bug, a Flying-Dark, a Flying-Dragon, a Flying-Electric, a Flying-Fighting, a Flying-Fire, a Flying-Ghost, a Flying-Grass, a Flying-Ground, a Flying-Ice, a Flying-Normal, a Flying-Poison, a Flying-Psychic, a Flying-Rock, a Flying-Steel, a Flying-Water Pokemon. Also, no *-normals either.

Fan Creations / NIWA Userbox
May 27, 2010, 04:22:43 AM
I'm putting together niwa-related wiki userboxes for use on the niwa wikis. From my experiances looking around wikipedia and the niwa wikis, there seems to be 4 different options when it comes to userboxes: html only, wiki-code only (no templates), a template specific to the wiki. Along with each option, i put the related code of the first userbox i put together for this: にわ NIWA  "This user supports the NIWA Manifesto!"

If you wish to see the box on a wiki, wish to export it for use in your wiki, etc. Then please check this link.

If you wish to join me in making userboxes, or wish to take one of mine and improve it, then please make sure to include the 4 header's found bellow.

O, yeah. i put a poll on the top to see which method is the favorite amongst our community. Please vote!

html/css only
to help ease the transitions between wiki's, here is the non-wiki version of the userbox, in the case there are relavent differences on the html/css level.

<div style="float:left; border:1px solid #ff0000; margin:1px;" class="wikipediauserbox">
<table cellspacing="0" style="width:238px; background:;">
<td style="width:px; height:px; background:#ff0000; text-align:center; font-size:pt; color:; padding:; line-height:;&nbsp;; vertical-align: middle;"><b>にわ NIWA</b>
</td><td style="text-align:left; font-size:pt; padding:; line-height:; color:;&nbsp;; vertical-align: middle;"> This user supports the <a href="http://www.niwanetwork.org/forums/index.php?topic=98.0" class="external text" title="http://www.niwanetwork.org/forums/index.php?topic=98.0" rel="nofollow">NIWA Manifesto</a>!

wikicode only (no templates)
Some wiki's do not like to embed templates in other templates, so here is the user box - template free!

<div style="float:left; border:1px solid #ff0000; margin:1px;" class="wikipediauserbox">
{| cellspacing="0" style="width:238px; background:;"
| style="width:px; height:px; background:#ff0000; text-align:center; font-size:pt; color:; padding:; line-height:; ; vertical-align: middle;" |'''にわ NIWA'''
| style="text-align:left; font-size:pt; padding:; line-height:; color:; ; vertical-align: middle;" | This user supports the [http://www.niwanetwork.org/forums/index.php?topic=98.0 NIWA Manifesto]!

specific templates related to your wiki
If you post under this area, please specify which wiki the template if for (so, if the the code you list uses Mario wiki's userbox template, them make sure you tell us this.

uses the wikipedia template
For those of you who like the userbox template found on wikipedia.

| float    = left
| border-c = #ff0000
| border-s = 1
| id       = にわ NIWA
| id-c     = #ff0000
| info     = This user supports the [http://www.niwanetwork.org/forums/index.php?topic=98.0 NIWA Manifesto]!
| nocat    = {{{nocat|}}}<!--when 'true', doesn't categorize the user-->
| usercategory  = This user supports the NIWA Manifesto

If you are quoting this in order to get the headers, simply delete everything above the horizontal line, and you have a nice blank forum to fill-in with you code.....
html/css only
to help ease the transitions between wiki's, here is the non-wiki version of the userbox, in the case there are relavent differences on the html/css level.

wikicode only (no templates)
Some wiki's do not like to embed templates in other templates, so here is the user box - template free!

specific templates related to your wiki
If you post under this area, please specify which wiki the template if for (so, if the the code you list uses Mario wiki's userbox template, them make sure you tell us this.

uses the wikipedia template
For those of you who like the userbox template found on wikipedia.

Fan Creations / Mushrule RPG:Play
May 22, 2010, 02:57:50 PM
(Notice:This is a thread focused on playing the Forum-based-RPG, called "Mushrule RPG", located right here on the NIWA Forums. The central thread for all information on this game is located here. Please visit it if you need more info on the game, are interested in joining or anything related, but is not-play-based)

Once you have signed up, and you've been processed by ADM,  you may start playing on the last page of this thread. Please do you best to insert yourself into the game without interrupting the flow of it.

To start this thread off, we are going to include some background information and the first post of GM's Character. (These were already posted, we are just reposting them to get the game started).

Quote from: pokenutter on April 17, 2010, 12:58:11 AM
If we take the multiverse theory to be true, every possible outcome of every event that ever transpired happened, and coexist apart from each other in the form of parallel universes.  Now, if an event with two possible outcomes occurs, the scenario looks like this:
/ \
u u
t t
c c
o o
m m
e e
1 2

However, what happens under these conditions?
M   Z
A   E
R   L
I   D
O   A
/\ /\

A possible outcome from each would occupy the same space, and no one knows what would happen afterwards, or if such an eventuality is even possible.  My theory is that the two world would merge with each other, thus setting a background for the story.

In the Mario Universe, a series of events transpire which results in the creation of the Mushroom Kingdom.  Their peoples moved forward very quickly in the realm of technology.  Conversely, a series of similar events occur in the Zelda Universe, except for one major change.  This change generates Hyrule, and its magic-dependent denizens.

Three years before the RPG starts, the two worlds collide in a cataclysm which devastates the two worlds, a post-Ocarina-era Hyrule, and the present Mario Universe.  The end result is the death of thousands, and the combining of the two worlds.  The two civilizations elect to combine their knowledge in both technology and magic in order to survive.

All races exist in this story, but the Mario Brothers and Princess Zelda were among the casualties of the cataclysm.  The Zelda world was during the events of the Shattered Hyrule era, but before the Great Flood.

Quote from: tacopill on April 17, 2010, 05:41:03 AM
In the rem-nets of the old mushroom kingdom, a shiny triangle glows. Very few people see it. Most, just pass it by. Others see it, but refuse to go exploring about it.

They say the triangle tests you. What for, who knows? But i hear, if you fail this test, you are whisked away. Whisked away, and never heard from again.

As i sit in the street, looking for some change, a child looks around for the shiny triangle. Does he think the rest of us are stupid? Keeping my distance, I follow behind.

The child finds the triangle in an ally. Touching it, the triangle starts to levitate. Then a voice is heard. I hear it. The child hears it. But apparently no one else does.

The voice is ominous. And comes from every direction. How does no one else here it? It asks: "You children. You have been chosen to right what once went wrong." Wait, there only one child before it...is it, is it speaking to me as well?

"You two display a trait few others possess. Where fear stands for others, you hold courage. Where ignorance stands, you hold wisdom. And with you i see the power to help restore me, with the other two part of myself. But you can't do it alone. And neither can you."

All of a sudden, the triangle faces my direction. Out of reflex, i pick up a rock and throw it. But it was simply deflected.

Ok, so i will try something else. Looking around, i see a sling shot. I pick it up, and notice something on the back of my hand: It is in the shape of two triangles, with a third one on top. This is new.

I turn around, and look at the other child. He shows me the back of his hand, it also has a triangle. Maybe we are connected?

"Good. Now, both of you come here." I grab the sling shot, and walk over. I take a look at the other kid. He's holding a boomerang.

"Now, before beginning on your quest, you will need to meet with the others who will be helping you out." All of a sudden, two fairies start surrounding me. My environment starts to wrap and distort, until i appear in a room with several other people. Since the triangle said these people are suppose to help us out, i guess i will introduce myself. "Hi, I'm Max."

Click here to learn how to play.
Note: you do not have to quote your character's text.

The game has begun!
Fan Creations / Mushrule RPG:Fighter Classes
May 22, 2010, 02:42:01 PM
(Notice:This is a thread focused on Fighter Classes of the Forum-based-RPG, called "Mushrule RPG", located right here on the NIWA Forums. The central thread for all information on this game is located here. Please visit it if you need more info on the game, are intersted in joining or anything related, but is not-rules-based)

Fighter classes (FC) are roles/types/jobs a fighter can take in battle. And a unique feature with this system, is that each fighter class is made up of a sequence of specific type-groups as outlined below. These FC Types influence the range, types of moves, role in the party, and your stat/ growth.  

After seeing the FC Types, there will be some examples of how the FC Types can be put together. You don't need to specify which type in each type-group to generate a character, but it certainly would be helpful for both you and the people running the game.

Once you have chosen a FC, please keep it the same throughout your time in the game (although you may change between characters). These types are meant to be a guide for how you run your character, they are not binding. You may, once and a while,

these guys have no specialization to begin with. If this being is trainable, then you may train them for what you need/want. Otherwise, he/she/it will battle with whatever (s)he/ith has at her disposal.

In addition, because this FC has no specialization, it will not grow as fast stat's wise as someone with a specialization in a respective stat would. At the same time, their stats will grow faster than someone with a specialization in another stat.

We will cover more on this when we get to the Posts on Races.

Groups of Types
Range-Based Type
Long Range Fighter
Long Range Fighters focus on fighting across the battlefield.

  • Catipultist
  • Cannoneer

Mid Range Fighters
These fighters focus on fighting within a reasonable distance, but not all the way across the field, and not right up next to the opponent(s).

  • Archers
  • Casters

Short Range Fighters
the melee fighters:

  • Hand-to-Hand Specialist
  • Weapons Combat

Move-Based Type
Magic Users
they can fight at any range, but burn up AP like it's no ones business.

these are the exceptions. Healing magic is a little bit cheaper; but hey, it's better than dieing.  

Weapon User
No magic for this one. Well, unless it helps out the weapons. It's all about technology!

Equipment Repairers
All equipment has durability points. and these guys can repair after battle or, sometimes even mid-battle.

Stat Based
Through anything at them at they'll take it all. And then you can attack from the side.

  • Endurance
  • Life Points
The smartest guy's on the field, they don't want to get hit.

  • Evade Points
  • Intelligence Points
These guys can last the longest and fight the hardest.

  • Attack Points
  • Strength points

Here is the current list of known and proposed FC's. Right now, our goal is to have 36 available, but we could have more if we become more specific with the Type-schematics.

Also, these FC's names are temporary. If you have a better name for any of the FC's, please recommend it to us and we will see if we can either change it or use it as an equivalent FC.  

Name Ranges Moves Stats
Ambidextrous Anything Anything Anything
Monk Long Range Fighter Equipment Repairer Brawler
Jester Long Range Fighter Equipment Repairer Prodigy
Barbarian Long Range Fighter Equipment Repairer Vanguard
Druid Long Range Fighter Healer Brawler
Priest Long Range Fighter Healer Prodigy
Cultist Long Range Fighter Healer Vanguard
Bishop Long Range Fighter Magic User Brawler
Assassin Long Range Fighter Magic User Vanguard
Cannoneer Long Range Fighter Weapon User Brawler
Trapper Long Range Fighter Weapon User Prodigy
Catipultist Long Range Fighter Weapon User Vanguard
Summoner Long Range Fighter Magic User Prodigy
Rogue Mid Range Fighter Equipment Repairer Brawler
Weapons Combatant Mid Range Fighter Equipment Repairer Prodigy
Warrior Mid Range Fighter Equipment Repairer Vanguard
Avenger Mid Range Fighter Healer Brawler
Paladin Mid Range Fighter Healer Prodigy
Medic Mid Range Fighter Healer Vanguard
Sorcerer Mid Range Fighter Magic User Brawler
Cleric Mid Range Fighter Magic User Prodigy
Caster Mid Range Fighter Magic User Vanguard
Nuker Mid Range Fighter Weapon User Brawler
Archer Mid Range Fighter Weapon User Prodigy
Ninja Mid Range Fighter Weapon User Vanguard
Blacksmith Short Range Fighter Equipment Repairer Brawler
Scrapper Short Range Fighter Equipment Repairer Prodigy
Melee Fighter Short Range Fighter Equipment Repairer Vanguard
Hand-to-Hand Specialist Short Range Fighter Healer Brawler
Meezer Short Range Fighter Healer Prodigy
Tank Short Range Fighter Healer Vanguard
Necrourge Short Range Fighter Magic User Brawler
Bard Short Range Fighter Magic User Vanguard
Magician Short Range Fighter Magic User Prodigy
Soldier Short Range Fighter Weapon User Brawler
Lancer Short Range Fighter Weapon User Prodigy
Swordsmen Short Range Fighter Weapon User Vanguard
Fan Creations / Mushrule RPG:Stats
May 22, 2010, 02:34:39 PM
(Notice:This is a thread focused on giving basics, details, explainations and clarifications on stats for the Forum-based-RPG, called "Mushrule RPG", located right here on the NIWA Forums. The central thread for all information on this game is located here. Please visit it if you need more info on the game, are interested in joining or anything related, but is not-stats-based)

In our battle system, there are several stats, or numeric values representing attributes such as physical strength and mental capacity. Please note: we currently are only using 7 of these stats. As the game continues, we will include the other stats as we need to, and as they fit into the game stats. The "inactive" stats are marked with a *.

General Stats - determined by playing and/or dm bonuses.
Power Level (PL) increases with the completion of each story arc and increases the other points with its increase. (0)
Evolution Points (EP) determines whether or not the character can become a more advanced character or not. (0) *

Battle stats - determined by Race
Life Points (L.P.) determine how long the character can stand the battle before being called out. (2)
Attack Points (At.) determine how long until your move energy runs out. Each attack you make (regardless of its type) drains from this, and when you reach 0, all you can do is defend. (5)
Evade Points (Eva) determines how many blows actually hit you. (3)
Intelligence Points (In.) determine whether or not the character can learn a new attack. (4)

Computation stats - also Determined by race
When a battle goes on, there are 3 factors that determine how you do:
Strength Points (SP) determines how much damage the character is capable of dealing. (6)
Endure Points (En.) determine how much damage an attack causes to your character. (1)
Sage Points (SaP) represent your mastery over magic, and when combined with Strength Points, represents how much magical damage you can deal. When combined with Endure Points, how much magic you can take. (0)

Non-Battle stats - Determined by other things.
Happiness - kind of obvious (7) *
Food Points - starts off at 100 ( 8 ) *

  • Things that change it: candy - subtract; vegetables - add; etc.
  • Things that depend on it: depends on character, (possibilities include are some may heal buy itself, others use moves that depend on this)
Wisdom - How much world knowledge does the person have? (9) *
Charasmia - how easily can they persuade others? (10) *
Badass - How well do you override the laws of physics, reason-ability and logic? Can you perform feats that summon-some-awe? (11) *

Now, each stat is followed by a number at the end of it's description.  If the number is a 0, it can only raised when the character levels up,  and only at a specific rate based on the character's race, personality  or other factors determined at creation. The numbers 1-6, in addition to raising when the character's P.L. go up, can get a boost to the rate that it would go up with certain items called crests. These stats can also be changed with specific type of training. Each number can be used as an easy reference to that specific stat, which will be helpful in describing crests and training. Numbers 7 on up are changed by other things.

One thing to notice, there will be specific items that can only be used based on a character's stats (again, the first 6 numbered above) or something the character has achieved or experienced. These items are pretty much like cards, and when activated, can transform a character into one of 18 forms. Each form can enable them to do something amazing that is somewhat based on the stat's it requires. In addition, being in the form will open new doors, allow the character to use new moves, and other things. And for sake of a better name, Each form is called a "card form" when the transformation is active.

Crests and Cards are hidden throughout out the world, and only one of each are said to exist (and, in reality, do exist). In total, There are 10 crests and 18 cards to be found.

Stat Calculations
When a character levels up, each stat goes up by a specific amount. Depending on the stat, this can be based off of race, or personality, etc. But, for specific stats, this amount can be increased when a character has a specific crest in their possession. For every level up from that point on, the character will go up by both amounts.

For example, INT has two related crests: Intelligence and Ingenuity. Mario starts off at POW 1 with 1 INT.  When he/she levels up, he will gain 1 INT plus 1 for each INT-crest the player has earned or has a party member that has it. So, lets say the player gained the Ingenuity crest at level 10, and teamed up with a Intelligence crest at level 20. To find out the INT at a specific level, you would need to do the following:

  • for POW 1-10, just add 1 INT for each level, maxing out at 10.
  • for POW 11-20, just add 2 INT for each level, starting at 10 and maxing out at 30.
  • for POW 20 and upward, just add 3 INT for each level, starting at 30.

Now, in addition, there are more ways to customize your character.
# if you were a High Thinker Form at time of winning a battle, and did so for 50 battles not necessarily in a row), you get more INT added directly on.  
# Going through specific training will also give a boost to your INT (or what ever stat the training is for) quickly, but it will come at a cost.
Now, to help distinguish between Fighter Class and Card Form (as i can see them getting mixed up), He's a quick recap:

  • Fighter Class - specializes in 2 of the 6 malleable stats, in addition too specializing in a specific range of fighting (short-, mid- or long-range) and  specializing in certain group of moves (Weapons, Magic, Healer, Equipment Repairer).
  • Card Form - requires specific requirements to be fulfilled (which can be stats based) before using the card to transform into the requested form.

(o, and i apologize to anyone was going for some kind of "Top Topic Starters" award. This game sort-of pushes me up unfairly.)
Fan Creations / Mushrule RPG:Signup
May 21, 2010, 09:52:49 PM
(Notice:This is a Signup-focused thread of the Forum-based-RPG, called "Mushrule RPG", located right here on the NIWA Forums. The central thread for all information on this game is located here. Please visit it if you need more info on the game, are interested in joining or anything related, but is not-signup-based)

To signup, we simply need you to copy and fill in the following form (Up-to-date as of 5/21/2010):

------ Basic Info ------
Character's Name:
Fighter Class:

Stats (Before Modifiers, use [url=http://www.random.org/dice/]Random.org[/url] or contact a guild leader for these) -

------ Background Info ------
Character's History:

------ Additional Player/Character Info ------
[i](Anything you wish to tell us) [/i]

Once posted, please wait until a AGM has processed your entry before you start playing. The AGM may ask you to change something before you can start. During this time, it is recommended you apply for membership in a guild, explore the wiki, and learn more about the game. 

As an example, here's the GM's Character.
------ Basic Info ------
Character's Name: Max Tappegan
Race: Hylian
Fighter Class: Ninja
- Improved inventory (able to carry bigger items, and more of them).
- High evasiveness.

Stats (Before Modifiers, use Random.org or contact a guild leader for these):

------ Background Info ------
Character's History:
In the rem-nets of the old mushroom kingdom, a shiny triangle glows. Very few people see it. Most, just pass it by. Others see it, but refuse to go exploring about it.

They say the triangle tests you. What for, who knows? But i hear, if you fail this test, you are whisked away. Whisked away, and never heard from again.

As i sit in the street, looking for some change, a child looks around for the shiny triangle. Does he think the rest of us are stupid? Keeping my distance, I follow behind.

The child finds the triangle in an ally. Touching it, the triangle starts to levitate. Then a voice is heard. I hear it. The child hears it. But apparently no one else does.

The voice is ominous. And comes from every direction. How does no one else here it? It asks: "You children. You have been chosen to right what once went wrong." Wait, there only one child before it...is it, is it speaking to me as well?

"You two display a trait few others possess. Where fear stands for others, you hold courage. Where ignorance stands, you hold wisdom. And with you i see the power to help restore me, with the other two part of myself. But you can't do it alone. And neither can you."

All of a sudden, the triangle faces my direction. Out of reflex, i pick up a rock and throw it. But it was simply deflected.

Ok, so i will try something else. Looking around, i see a sling shot. I pick it up, and notice something on the back of my hand: It is in the shape of two triangles, with a third one on top. This is new.

I turn around, and look at the other child. He shows me the back of his hand, it also has a triangle. Maybe we are connected?

"Good. Now, both of you come here." I grab the sling shot, and walk over. I take a look at the other kid. He's holding a boomerang.

"Now, before beginning on your quest, you will need to meet with the others who will be helping you out." All of a sudden, two fairies start surrounding me. My environment starts to wrap and distort, until i appear in a room with several other people. Since the triangle said these people are suppose to help us out, i guess i will introduce myself. "Hi, I'm Max."

------ Additional Player/Character Info ------
(Anything you wish to tell us)
I'm really creative.
Fan Creations / Mushrule RPG:Rules
May 20, 2010, 09:48:15 PM
(Notice:This is a Rules-focused thread of the Forum-based-RPG, called "Mushrule RPG", located right here on the NIWA Forums. The central thread for all information on this game is located here. Please visit it if you need more info on the game, are intersted in joining or anything related, but is not-rules-based)

The following are the rules of the game, and any clarifications needed. If you have any questions, need clarification on a rule, or something similar, please add them bellow.
1) Only characters who are from the Mario Universe or Zelda Universe, or are OC's from there can be here.
2) PC's must be distinct from existing (or formally existing) characters, and must be distinct from all other characters in the Nintendo Multiverse. This includes:

  • no Pokemon Trainers, unless the character can train monsters/creatures from the respective universes as specified in #1
  • no characters from star fox, earthbound/mother, etc. Deliberate knock offs will have their character killed as soon as someone notices and gives a warning and a chance to add said distinction, but has not complied in 1 week.
3) A later post always overrides an earlier one, unless otherwise specified AGM.
4) If a player can't continue for a period of time, it is asked that the player writes one more notice, where the character asks to leave temporarily. The reason should fit well with the character.
5) if the player needs to leave permanent, they should inform the GM as to this and allow the GM to adapt the story, if needed, to the change.
6) Private messages concerning the game, backroom conferencing and other similar actions are discouraged, and if they cause a decrease in quality of the game, all participates maybe asked to leave this game.
7) The exception to #6 is any player-AGM talks, that neither person wants public AND is necessary for the game to continue. These include: finding items, information, etc. that not everyone in the party should know at the current moment.
8) Each player is responsible for there own inventory after their initial setup. They are responsible for ensuring no fluctuation in quantity of the items happens, without an in-game reason (like, "i found 30 arrows *holds up arrows*").
9) Each player should not randomly generate a key item. If they have an idea for one, please inform an AGM or Storyteller first through and if approved, he/she will add it to the story.
10) All rules questions clarifications should go in this "rules" thread. All out-of-game introductions should go in the "sign up" thread. All in-game information, except anything included in the signup/introduction post, should go in the "play" thread.
11) editing posts in the "play" thread, or any related "guild" thread, that are more than a week old, of more than 2 pages (20 posts) from the current last post of said thread, will warrant the editor  a warning, and a banning for multiple offences over time.

  • a) it is highly preferred you only edit your latest post, unless your edit logically goes in an old post.  If that's the case, please refer to rule #11.
12) no one will be required to read posts that are more than 3 pages back, unless it is really necessary. Please refer to the wiki instead.
13)The positions in the game are as follows:

  • Game Master - Head of the entire game.
  • Assistant Game Master - Helps keep track of game information, fine tuning the game mechanics, etc.   
  • Story Teller - Responsible for coming up with the background for the nations, important NPCs, etc. 
  • Guild Leader - Responsible for keeping track of their guild, reporting and representing the guild to the rest of us  out-of-the-game, and there character will be a leader in-the-game

14) positions in the game, positions in the wiki and on the forum do not necessarily reflect one another. Being in a position for one, doesn't help, nor hinder being in a position of the other.

  • a) In addition, being in a position doesn't guarantee a position in one of the others.
  • b) One person may be 2 of the positions detailed in # 13, but no more.
  • c) Only one person in the game can be GM at any given time.
15) Participants should not be bound to these roles, and should be allowed to switch as often as they want, just not in the middle of a session.
16) Standard RPG Terminology have no effect here. You are free to use them (when out of character), but they have no effect on the game.

  • a) That being said, Characters may have alignments (good, evil, chaotic, orderly), but they aren't bound to play that way.
  • b) A participate may choose to play A character who chooses to do evil acts.
17) How Major Events  effect characters will be up to that player and there guild leader. The guild leader will need to know of major events, and determine if the members of their guild find out about or not. They however, can't stop an event from happening, nor start one without the consent from a storyteller.
18) Leveling up, XP, etc. is awarded by an AGM at the end of a story arc. This is too make sure the administration keeps track of everyone's levels, progression, etc. They are not based on post count, or amount of contributions to the wiki (but may be a reward or separate achievement altogether). 
19) Key items shall be kept track of by the storyteller(s) and the AGM(s).
20) The wiki exists to be a place where details can be expanded, easily edited and/or grouped together (as needed) and to reduce the amount of information that would require multiple threads on the forums. At the same time, we can't require people to use the wiki, if they don't wish to. With this in mind, please observe the following rules:

  • a) Any information that is absolutely necessary for the player to know should go on the forums, in a respective thread. These include: "Rules", "Play", "Sigup".
  • b) All "How to Play" Information should go in the wiki, along with other details like "Item Effects", "Guild Details", "Strategy Guides", etc.
  • c) If someone thinks a new thread is a necessity, please ask around first.

Of course, don't hesitate to ask any questions. This post maybe updated as the game goes on.
Fan Creations / Mushrule RPG:Central Thread
May 20, 2010, 05:56:52 AM
(Notice:Real world details that are time related should be given in UTC, in order to promote fairness amongst the timezones, daylight savings time preferences, etc. If you do not know what your local time conversion is, please follow this link and convert to and from your local time accordingly. Alternatively, you may check the current UTC, and do the conversions with that).

Welcome to Mushrule RPG, the(a) NIWA Forum-based RPG. The game officially begins at 00:00 (Midnight) UTC on Sunday, May 23nd (so, 23:30 would of been on May 22nd), but i am putting up details now for people to get the details.  Click here to learn how to play.

The game is set catastrophic-ridden land of "Mushrule", where the worlds/universes of Mario and Zelda have come clashing together and many casualties have been reported on both sides (Including both Mario Bros and Princess Zelda). The players are Player-created characters who may be from any of the following 22 races, 11 from each universe:

Hyrule: Hylian • Scrub • Fairy • Gerudo • Goron • Kokiri • Oocca • Sheikah • Twili • Zora • Keaton
Mushroom Kingdom: Birdo • Bob-omb • Boo • Cheep-Cheep • Duplighost • Goomba • Human • Koopa • Pianta • Shy Guy • Yoshi

Players are encouraged to use the NIWA Wiki's for help, but are also recommended to visit and contribute the game's section on Mario Fanon Wiki. Please do not put any in-game content on the other wikis.

In addition to races, a player is recommended to choose a fighter class and either seek out or start a guild.

Links to other threads:

This thread is the main hub of the game. As i don't want it bogged down with rules clarifications, item details, etc. i am keeping it mainly to things that effect the game as a whole, and locking the topic. Discussion on the game is currently being held in this thread please go there to ask questions while we get everything set up.

When we do have everything set up, i may use this as a place to make announcements, so please check back periodicly and/or turn on notifications of replies.

Thank you for reading,
Other Media / What D&D Alignment are you?
May 04, 2010, 02:05:06 AM
For me, i take it and take it, and drift between Neutral Good and True Neutral.

So what about you? If you don't know, Take the online test and find out.

Fan Creations / Original Trainer Class!
April 14, 2010, 06:18:15 PM

Original Trainer Class - Grass Trainer

Testing out original trainer classes..... this one is grass trainer.

Which ever suits me best maybe my new profile pic on my facebook

create your own:

and Thanks raefwolfe.deviantart.com & Hapuriainen.deviantart.com

What do you guys think?

(Feel free to make your own and throw them in the thread).
Fan Creations / Table Top RPG's?
March 22, 2010, 02:56:12 AM
(sorry if i place this in wrong category)

Hey guys, do you of know of any good Nintendo-based Table top RPG's?

i'm looking specifically for Pokemon, but anyone based on Star Fox, Mario, Mother/Earthbound, etc. will do.

*Thinks out loud*
NIWA, the RPG  :laugh:
Nintendo Gaming / Historical View
March 16, 2010, 07:06:49 PM
I was thinking, What are historians going to look back at us and see? specifically the era of video games. I mean, We've long since past fad status, out grew cult status and even expanded beyond our niches. So, what are historians going to look at when they study us in fifty, or even a hundred year.

Being i am a nintendo fan (been playing since i was 5), i figured i use the different nintendo systems to help break up the time periods. Maybe this is just a "history of nintendo", but that's been done before. I'm looking for more history-terminology like, "Golden Age" and "Renaissance".

So, here is my first attempt. Feel free to edit it as you see fit.

  • 1983 - Great Video Game Crash
  • 1985 - Nintedo Renissance
  • 1990 - Golden Age, Nintendo Dynasty
  • 1995 - Silver Age
  • 2001 - Dork Age
  • 2006 - Second Renaissance
  • 2010 - The Era of NIWA  ;D.
So what do you look for or absolutely love in a Nintendo game, or any specific franchise there of. For example, in Zelda i look for excellent music. Other franchise's music is fine, but Zelda is top notch.
Fan Creations / Favorite Webcomic Issue
March 10, 2010, 06:13:22 AM
Post a favorite nintendo-related Issue from a web comic. For example, one of mine is from vg cats using Kirby.

Doesn't have to be kirby, and doesn't have to be vg cats. But does have to be Nintendo related.
Nintendo Gaming / golden sun
March 09, 2010, 04:15:06 AM
any fans of golden sun here?
Pokémon / seeking explaination of pokemon memes.
February 28, 2010, 10:10:24 PM
can anyone explain to me the purpose of Pokemon-related memes? The examples i can think of:

  • I heard you lieked mudkips
  • Blastoise dad who get's you presents on Christmas and then doesn't mind if you return them the next day
  • Mr. Mime is Ash's dad

I apoligize to anyone whose fun i am ruining in this post, but i have a friend who spots these things (and other nonsense) in an attempt to turn me away from Pokemon. At least, i think that's why he does it.