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Messages - Member#36

Fan Creations / Re: Table Top RPG's?
April 17, 2010, 02:21:03 PM
Whoa, hold on a second.  Are you trying to start an RPG in this forum or for Tacopill?  We don't even have such a system yet, but you could request that we start one.  Just be sure to ask the staff before you start somthing like this. :)
Mario / Re: Favorite Koopaling?
April 17, 2010, 03:57:25 AM
All of them, for Bowser is not nearly as cool.

Try to shoot his hands quickly to stun them before it can attack.
Using the Lens of Truth, shoot an arrow in its eye.
Spin attack the eye, and repeat if needed.
[Keep as many bottled faries as you can if you suck.]

If you stun them quick enough, you don't even have to worry about dodging.
NIWA Discussion / Re: The Wiki Help Desk
April 17, 2010, 03:16:13 AM
Quote from: Tucayo on April 16, 2010, 09:02:58 PM
I actually thought the ASK THE [...] STAFF thread was going to be like this, this is what we needed

That thread is really just for fun (as you may be able to tell by some of the questions asked).  However, this thread is super cereal.
*This thread could be moved at some point or another.*

Do you want to understand patrolling?  ...Does HTML coding bring you down?  This thread is here to answer the questions you couldn't answer with your wiki's help pages.  However, please remember to look at your wiki's help pages because they are likely to answer a lot of the questions you may come up with.

All posts should folllow the rules, and try to be detailed as possible with the subject matter you wish to find answers on.  Also, all questions should be wiki-related, as all non-wiki related questions will be deleted on site.

With that, ask away!
Other Media / Re: The Unofficial Internet Thread
April 13, 2010, 12:31:01 AM
If it links, it's advertising.  Yes, she was showing interest but was also advertising.
Anyone: If you were to suddenly break into song, which song would it be and why?
NIWA Discussion / Re: Suggestions
April 11, 2010, 11:55:43 PM
Yes you are, but not questions about how to improve the forum.  Those types of questions belong here.  If such questions were allowed on the other thread, we would have two suggestions threads... which we don't need.

I am sorry if you were confused, as I will update the "Ask The" thread accordingly.
NIWA Discussion / Re: Suggestions
April 11, 2010, 11:26:04 PM
*Moved to suggestions.*
Quote from: Garlic Man on April 11, 2010, 04:10:35 AM
Quote from: Austin on April 02, 2010, 06:53:11 PM
Perhaps an example of a good-quality post is in order:

Aiko Heiwa, trying to draw something from memory can be tough, but you seem to have little trouble presenting the general idea out of which Pokémon in question it is.  However, I agree with hateichikage, as it looks like you tried to rush the drawings which show up as poor-quality outlines, coloring, etc.  I believe that if you took a little more time to sketch the outlines while pulling them from your memory, you will amaze yourself with a better version of your work. 

[Now try to be detailed.]

~ Please continue ~

They're intentionally like that for humor purposes.

This may surprise you, but I do not find them humorous. Of course, not everyone has my sense of humor.
Quote from: Garlic Man on April 11, 2010, 04:03:44 AM
Quote from: Tucayo on April 05, 2010, 07:40:37 PM
Let's use this for ON TOPIC questions  :police:
I'm tempted to mod-abuse and remove every single  :police: that you use in your posts

Nah jk

Anyway, I have a question for WiKirby admin Austin: What's the point of this thread?

It seems you have been misinformed, as I am only a patroller.

Also: the purpose of this thread is to be used by NIWA members to have fun, increase traffic, and ask those dire questions you never had a chance to ask the person.

All admins on the wikis and this forum: Why are you so heartless?
NIWA Discussion / Re: Introduce Yourself
April 08, 2010, 11:08:32 PM
Hi Austin, welcome to the NIWA forums!  Follow the rules, try to get some wiki edits in if you can, and enjoy your stay.
Quote from: Tucayo on April 08, 2010, 07:32:05 PM
Well, you can always put it in reverse. Cant you?

Tucayo:  Are you one who believes black holes can blow their crap into the universe like some sort of diarrhea explosion?
Other Media / Re: The Unofficial Internet Thread
April 07, 2010, 03:27:30 PM
QuoteThe Rules
9. Posting advertising threads is not allowed, unless permission is given by a staff member.

Your thread is advertising, which is against the rules.  The only real advertising which happens here involves getting another wiki to join the alliance.  However, you can feel free to make another thread talking about internet memes, etc... as long as there are no advertisments.

Quotea simple man says:
March 28, 2010 at 9:00 pm
A vacuum cleaner does not create a vacuum.The motor spins a turbine around so fast that the air flies out of the periphery of the rotor and more air is drawn in to the middle. The big pieces of solid matter are trapped in the bag or canister and the air and microscopic piece are thrown back out into the air.
QuoteQuestions can also be about serious issues, so don't be afraid to ask

QuoteLet's use this for ON TOPIC questions
QuoteTechnically, there really is no set topic.
^This, of course all question have to follow the rules.

QuoteDarn it, I wanted to hear Austin's explanation of why penguins will soon rule the world.
Nintendo Gaming / Re: HG/SS friend codes
April 04, 2010, 11:02:56 PM

Please take all friend codes here.

Perhaps an example of a good-quality post is in order:

Aiko Heiwa, trying to draw something from memory can be tough, but you seem to have little trouble presenting the general idea out of which Pokémon in question it is.  However, I agree with hateichikage, as it looks like you tried to rush the drawings which show up as poor-quality outlines, coloring, etc.  I believe that if you took a little more time to sketch the outlines while pulling them from your memory, you will amaze yourself with a better version of your work. 

[Now try to be detailed.]

~ Please continue ~

These are the kind of posts we don't need.  If you can't say anything nice, don't say anything at all.

Also, it is not a rule yet, but I would appreciate if you expand your posts.  Saying things such as "That's good", or "Well done!" contributes little to the conversation.  Please describe what you like about it, and what to improve on if you want to add some [helpful] criticism.