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BS Tantei Club: Yuki ni Kieta Kako

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BS Tantei Club: Yuki ni Kieta Kako
BS探偵倶楽部 ~雪に消えた過去~
BS Tantei Club.png
Publisher(s): St. GIGA, Nintendo
Predecessor: Famicom Tantei Club Part II: Ushiro ni Tatsu Shoujo
Successor: Famicom Tantei Club Part II: Ushiro ni Tatsu Shoujo (Super Famicom)
Release dates
Japan: Feb. 9, 1997 (Part One)
Feb. 16, 1997 (Part Two)
Feb. 23, 1997 (Part Three)
©1988, 1989, 1997 Nintendo

BS Tantei Club: Yuki ni Kieta Kako was a game for Super Famicom via the defunct Satellaview.

It is a game in the Famicom Tantei Club series, with point and click elements. The name of the title means: Broadcasting Satellite Detective Club: The Past Lost to Snow.

Template:Famicom Tantei Club series