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Capsule Monsters

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Capsule Monsters
Capsule Monsters logo.png
Predecessor: Game Freak games directed by Satoshi Tajiri
Successor: Pokémon series
Release dates
Worldwide: Unreleased (became Pokémon series)
©Game Freak, Nintendo, Creatures ©The Pokémon Company

Capsule Monsters was an original concept for Pokémon, from 1990 upwards towards its transition into Pokémon Red and Green Versions. Early in development, Capsule Monsters was seen as a JRPG quite different to Pokémon, for example, there was a focus more on kaijuu and there was a tokusatsu theme. Capsule Monsters was also influenced by Satoshi Tajiri's fascination of bug catching.

There were also primarily dinosaur-like monsters rather than cute ones, Pokémon (such as Lapras) were seen as helpers, and the quest to fill the Pokédex hadn't been conceived yet. Another difference is that the protagonist themselves was planned to fight, whips were included as weapons, and messages in battle like 'that hurt' were planned.[1]

It also included closer inspirations to Ultraman and the Capsule Kaijuu.

It is debatable whether some early Pokémon concepts class as Capsule Monsters or a closer beta to Pokémon, though Capsule Monsters and beta Pokémon has been used interchangeably. Various monster designs were conceived for Capsule Monsters, while some later Pokémon such as Gorochu are more clearly for Pokémon.


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