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Electroplankton Beatnes

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Electroplankton Beatnes
エレクトロプランクトン マリンスノー
Electroplankton: Tsurigane Mushi
Electroplankton Beatnes.png
The logo of Electroplankton Beatnes.
Developer(s): indieszero
Publisher(s): Nintendo
Platform: DSiWare
Category: Music
Players: 1
Predecessor: N/A
Successor: N/A
Release dates
N. America: November 9, 2009
Japan: July 8, 2009
Europe: January 15, 2010
Australia: January 15, 2010
USK: 0

Electroplankton Beatnes is a DSiWare version of the Beatnes instrument from the Nintendo DS retail title Electroplankton. This version was released in 2009 in North America and Japan and in 2010 in Australia and Europe. Although released as one of the first, Beatnes is the ninth instrument in the DSiWare series.


Nintendo website

These plankton remember the melodies you tap out on their heads and bodies.

Beatnes are curious plankton with geometrically shaped heads that form vertical strands like seaweed. Their bodies are made up of eight sections, each featuring a distinctive diamond-shaped tail. The sound of a Beatnes can vary wildly depending on which segment of the body is tapped. However, all of the sounds closely resemble the short-wave and triangular-wave sound effects from a Nintendo Entertainment System sound chip. When Beatnes are tapped in time with a rhythm, they continue to repeat the sounds in perfect time for a short period.

Nintendo DSi Shop

A strange electronic sea awaits you. In this sea, you'll encounter unique species of tiny Electroplankton that respond to your touch and voice to create unforgettable sounds and melodies. Enjoy getting to know these fascinating plankton as you relax to their sights and sounds!

Beatnes are curious plankton with geometrically shaped heads that form vertical strands like seaweed. Their bodies are made up of eight sections, each featuring a distinctive diamond-shaped tail. The sound of a Beatnes can vary wildly depending on which segment of the body is tapped. However, all of the sounds closely resemble the short-wave and triangular-wave sound effects from a Nintendo Entertainment System sound chip. When Beatnes are tapped in time with a rhythm, they continue to repeat the sounds in perfect time for a short period.


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Technical details

Technical details
Media: Digital download (DSiWare)
Download size: 24 blocks
Input / compatible controllers: Nintendo DSi