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Electroplankton Luminarrow
エレクトロプランクトン ルミナリアン
 The logo of Electroplankton Luminarrow.
N. America:
November 23, 2009
August 5, 2009
January 29, 2010
January 29, 2010
Electroplankton Luminarrow is a standalone version of the "Luminarrow" mode in the Nintendo DS game Electroplankton, released for the DSiWare in 2009 and 2010. This game is the third game in the set.
Nintendo website
Lightly touch the arrows to change their direction. The plankton follow the arrows.
Luminarrow plankton are famous for their habit of perfectly following arrow-shaped formations. The plankton spin as they move, changing directions as soon as they come in contact with an arrow that's pointing in another direction. The pitch of the sound they make changes depending on where the arrows are positioned. There are four types of Luminarrow—red, yellow, green, and blue. Each type floats at a different speed and makes a distinctive musical tone. The four types of Luminarrow drift together to create beautiful melodies. Completely alter the direction of the arrows to change their sound dramatically.
A strange electronic sea awaits you. In this sea, you'll encounter unique species of tiny Electroplankton that respond to your touch and voice to create unforgettable sounds and melodies. Enjoy getting to know these fascinating plankton as you relax to their sights and sounds!
Luminarrow plankton are famous for their habit of perfectly following arrow-shaped formations. The plankton spin as they move, changing directions as soon as they come in contact with an arrow that's pointing in another direction. The pitch of the sound they make changes depending on where the arrows are positioned. There are four types of Luminarrow—red, yellow, green, and blue. Each type floats at a different speed and makes a distinctive musical tone. The four types of Luminarrow drift together to create beautiful melodies. Completely alter the direction of the arrows to change their sound dramatically.
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Technical details
Digital download (DSiWare)
Download size:
23 blocks
Input / compatible controllers:
Nintendo DSi