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Hyundai Electronics

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Hyundai Electronics, now called SK Hynix, was an electronics company that specialized in computer memory chips and hard drives. Though originally part of the Hyundai conglomerate, the company was spun off after the East Asian Financial Crisis.

Hyundai Electronics distributed the NES, Game Boy, SNES, and N64 in South Korea as the Comboy, Mini Comboy, Super Comboy, and Comboy 64 respectively, so that Nintendo could get around the country's restriction on Japanese products at the time. Most games distributed by Hyundai Electronics were repackaged American versions. The packaging for their products was based around the European versions (PAL-B for the Comboy) of the games, and in the case of the Super Comboy, based on the European console. Hyundai Electronics did not distribute the GameCube in Korea; instead, Nintendo went with Daiwon, which specialized in Japanese imports.

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