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Little Charo Travels in English!

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Little Charo Travels in English!
えいごで旅する リトル・チャロ
Little Charo box.png
Developer(s): Jupiter
Publisher(s): Nintendo
Platform: Nintendo DS
Category: Edutainment
Release dates
Japan: January 20, 2011
©2011 Nintendo, NHK NED 2008

Little Charo Travels in English! (Eigo de Tabisuru: Little Charo) is an English teaching game for players in Japan, developed by Jupiter and published by Nintendo. It is based on a 2008 anime about a puppy named Charo left alone at the JFK Airport in the United States.


The game teaches the player English with puzzles, minigames and quizzes spoken in English but with Japanese subtitles.[1]


Template:English Training series

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