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Nintendo Countdown Calendar

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Nintendo Countdown Calendar
あと何日?かぞえる ニンテンドーDSiカレンダー
Ato Nannichi? Kazoeru: Nintendo DSi Calendar
Developer(s): Intelligent Systems
Publisher(s): Nintendo
Platform: DSiWare
Category: Calendar
Players: 1
Predecessor: N/A
Successor: N/A
Release dates
N. America: September 20, 2010
Japan: December 2, 2009
Europe: November 19, 2010
Australia: November 19, 2010

Nintendo Countdown Calendar is a calendar application developed by Intelligent Systems. It was released over the DSiWare service in December 2009 in Japan, later in January 2010 in North America, and even later in November 2010 in Europe and Australia.


Nintendo website

With Nintendo Countdown Calendar, you can add and track all of your important events in a fun and exciting countdown format. Simply set up your personal profile and then start entering events. Adding events is easy: Choose a date for the event, decide whether it will be an open event (which you name yourself) or a set event (chosen from the School, Work or General Events categories), and select an icon from the wide variety of available options. If necessary, you can set the recurrence of the event or even move the event to the Hidden Events List. From there, the calendar does the rest - just watch the days count down! On subsequent visits to the application, you may see special greetings or suggested seasonal events you can choose to add to your calendar. All events added to the calendar are displayed chronologically, so you can quickly view all of your upcoming events in one place.

Nintendo DSi Shop

With Nintendo Countdown Calendar, you can add and track all of your important events in a fun and exciting countdown format. Simply set up your personal profile and then start entering events!

Adding events is easy: Choose a date for the event, decide whether it will be an open event (which you name yourself) or a set event (chosen from the School, Work or General Events categories), and select an icon from the wide variety of available options. If necessary, you can set the recurrence of the event or even move the event to the Hidden Events List. From there, the calendar does the rest - just watch the days count down!

On subsequent visits to the application, you may see special greetings or suggested seasonal events you can choose to add to your calendar countdowns. All events added to the calendar are displayed chronologically, so you can quickly view all of your upcoming events in one place.


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Technical details

Technical details
Media: Digital download (DSiWare)
Download size: 27 blocks
Input / compatible controllers: Nintendo DSi