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回転イラストパズル ぐるぐるロジック
Kaiten Illust Puzzle: Guruguru Logic
The logo of Snapdots.
Developer(s): D4 Enterprise
Publisher(s): Nintendo
Platform: DSiWare
Category: Puzzle
Players: 1
Predecessor: N/A
Successor: N/A
Release dates
N. America: October 18, 2010
Japan: December 2, 2009
Australia: October 22, 2010

Snapdots is a DSiWare puzzle game and reworked version of the Game Boy Advance title Guru Logi Champ. The game was released in Japan in December 2009, and later in October 2010 in North America and Australia.


Nintendo website

Shoot blocks from your UFO to place them in the right spots and complete a wide variety of picture puzzles!
Welcome to Snapdots! Complete dozens of puzzle pictures by rotating the puzzle to find the best angle and then shooting blocks from your UFO. If the placement isn’t quite right, use the UFO to grab blocks back to shoot them in different spots. Adding to the challenge, puzzles often contain several types of blocks and spots, each with its own characteristics, on the playing grid. Journey to multiple planets to tackle puzzles individually in Puzzle mode or try to clear as many puzzles as you can within the time limit in frenetic Time Attack mode. In either mode, the combination of strategy and action result in a classic puzzle game that definitely hits the right spot!

Nintendo DSi Shop

Welcome to Snapdots! Complete dozens of puzzle pictures by rotating the puzzle to find the best angle and then shooting blocks from your UFO. If the placement isn’t quite right, use the UFO to grab blocks back to shoot them in different spots. Adding to the challenge, puzzles often contain several types of blocks and spots, each with its own characteristics, on the playing grid. Journey to multiple planets to tackle puzzles individually in Puzzle mode or try to clear as many puzzles as you can within the time limit in frenetic Time Attack mode. In either mode, the combination of strategy and action result in a classic puzzle game that definitely hits the right spot!


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Technical details

Technical details
Media: Digital download (DSiWare)
Download size: 26 blocks
Input / compatible controllers: Nintendo DSi

External links