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Star Fox (Arcade)

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Lylat Wiki logo.png This article is a short summary of Star Fox (Arcade).
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Star Fox (arcade)
Star Fox arcade flyer.png
Developer(s): (Unknown)
Publisher(s): (Unreleased)
Platform: Arcade
Category: (Unknown)
Players: (Unknown)
Predecessor: Star Fox Assault
Successor: Star Fox Command
Release dates
Worldwide: Cancelled
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Star Fox for arcade machines was announced alongside Star Fox Assault. Seemingly nothing has since surfaced about the game, so fans believe it has been cancelled. Based on a flyer, it may have been produced by Namco.

Star Fox series logo
Games Star Fox • 64 (3D) • Adventures • Assault • Command • Zero • Star Fox 2
Other games / Spin-offs Picross NP Vol. 4 • Dinosaur Planet • Star Fox (arcade, cancelled) • Star Fox Guard
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