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Steel Diver: Sub Wars

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Steel Diver: Sub Wars
Steel Diver Sub Wars logo.png
Developer(s): Nintendo/Vitei
Publisher(s): Nintendo
Platform: Nintendo 3DS
Category: First-person shooter, simulation
Players: Single player, multiplayer
Predecessor: Steel Diver
Successor: (None)
Release dates
N. America: February 13, 2014
Japan: February 14, 2014
Europe: February 13, 2014
Australia: (Unknown)
S. Korea: (Unknown)
China: (Unknown)
©2014 Nintendo

Steel Diver: Sub Wars is a downloadable Nintendo 3DS game and the successor to Steel Diver. The game operates on a free-to-start model with available microtransactions.


Unlike the original game which was played from a third person view, Steel Diver: Sub Wars features first-person shooting from the submarine. The game includes an online mode which is free and has two free single player missions. The rest of the missions and more submarines can be purchased using real money.
Template:Steel Diver series

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