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Theta box.png
Developer(s): Vitei
Publisher(s): Nintendo
Platform: Nintendo DS
Category: Puzzle
Players: (Unknown)
Predecessor: (Unknown)
Successor: (Unknown)
Release dates
N. America: (Unreleased)
Japan: September 6, 2007
Europe: (Unreleased)
Australia: (Unreleased)
S. Korea: (Unknown)
China: (Unknown)
©2007 Nintendo/VITEI

theta is a Nintendo DS underwater-themed puzzle game developed by Vitei and published by Nintendo.


The game involves the rotation of wheels known as "theta" in order to move around balls to wheels of matching colors. There are a variety of different modes, which include Rotation Puzzle, Aquarium Puzzle where the player must purify the water with Charge Fields, and the My Aquarium & Fish Album.[1]


  • The Theta logo is featured in an unlockable decal called the "Scope Orb" in Steel Diver; one of Vitei's other games.


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