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Wave Race 64

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Wave Race 64
ウェーブレース64:Kawasaki JETSKI
Wave Race 64 NA box.png
Developer(s): Nintendo
Publisher(s): Nintendo
Platform: Nintendo 64
Category: Racing
Players: 1-2
Predecessor: Wave Race
Successor: Wave Race: Blue Storm
Release dates
N. America: November 5, 1996
Japan: September 27, 1996
July 1997 (Shindō Pak Taiō Version)
Europe: April 29, 1997
Australia: August 17, 2007 (Wii Virtual Console)

Wave Race 64 is a Nintendo 64 game in the Wave Race series.


A jetski racing game like the original game, but in 3D. The player can choose from four jetski racers, race other racers, and perform stunts. The state of the water will affect the handling of the jetski. There is a championship mode, Time Trial, Stunt Mode, and two player racing mode.[1]

Release data

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In Japan, the re-release known as the Wave Race 64 Shindō Pak Taiō Version added support for the Rumble Pak. Another Nintendo 64 game published by Nintendo with a Japan-exclusive Rumble Pak re-release is Super Mario 64 (Super Mario 64 Shindō Pak Taiō Version).

Wave Race series logo
Wave Race • 64 • Blue Storm
