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Dragon Quest Builders 2

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Dragon Quest Builders 2
ドラゴンクエストビルダーズ アレフガルドを復活せよ 2
Dragon Quest Builders 2 box art.jpg
Developer(s): Square Enix, Omega Force
Publisher(s): Square Enix
Platform: Nintendo Switch
Release dates
Worldwide: July 12, 2019
Japan: December 20, 2018
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Dragon Quest Builders 2, known in Japan as Dragon Quest Builders: Restoration of Alefgard 2 is a game in the Dragon Quest series for Nintendo Switch.


As the sequel to Dragon Quest Builders, it is both a role-playing game and sandbox game where the player must gather materials to build objects such as buildings. New introductions to the game include the ability to fly, go underwater and the ability to travel faster across areas in the game using a retro-inspired map.

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