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Nintendo Wii Development Kit

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A Nintendo Wii Development Kit is a specialized device used by Nintendo developers to create and test games and applications for the Wii console[1][2][3]. The Wii NDEV serves as the primary development kit for the Wii console and includes all the standard hardware of the Wii, along with additional ports for connecting to a computer[2]. The NDEV device cannot be started without a connection to a host computer and does not contain a hard drive, requiring games to be streamed from a developer PC via USB[3].


  1. Nintendo Developer Portal. Retrieved on 28/01/2024.
  2. 2.0 2.1 Luckless Heaven. Retrieved on 28/01/2024.
  3. 3.0 3.1 Retro Reversing. Retrieved on 28/01/2024.