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Star Fox 2

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Star Fox 2
Title screen for Star Fox 2
Developer(s): Argonaut Software
Publisher(s): Nintendo
Platform: SNES
Category: On-rails shooter
Players: 1
Predecessor: Star Fox
Successor: Star Fox 64
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Star Fox 2 is an unreleased direct sequel to the original Star Fox. While the game was fully completed[1] and scheduled for release in summer of 1995, it was shelved due to the impending release of the Nintendo 64 and Nintendo wanting to make a Star Fox game for the newer system, with Star Fox 2 never seeing an official release since. Elements from this game have been carried over to future games, namely Star Fox 64, which would incorporate all-range mode and Star Wolf, and the Walker would finally make an appearance in Star Fox Zero.

Years later, a ROM for an earlier build of Star Fox 2 would be released to the public on the internet.


After his original defeat, Andross has invaded the Lylat system again and intends on using his army to destroy the planet Corneria. General Pepper hires the Star Fox team to take out his army, in addition to supplying them with two new recruits: Miyu and Fay. Star Fox team must now take on Andross's army, including rival team Star Wolf, and repel him from Lylat.


Gameplay involves players traveling around the Lylat system and destroying Andross's army while at the same time defending Corneria from attack. Instead of moving through a linear path from stage to stage, players can instead travel freely across the Lylat system and complete each mission in any order. Enemy units and missiles move across the map in real time, and players can leave a mission at any point to start another one.

Combat gameplay is similar to the original Star Fox, with players moving along a set path and shooting down enemies along it. However, at times the player may also switch to full 3D movement.

External links


  1. A Totally Complete Version Of Star Fox 2 Really Does Exist. Nintendo Life (May 21, 2015). Retrieved September 28, 2015.

Star Fox series logo
Games Star Fox • 64 (3D) • Adventures • Assault • Command • Zero • Star Fox 2
Other games / Spin-offs Picross NP Vol. 4 • Dinosaur Planet • Star Fox (arcade, cancelled) • Star Fox Guard
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