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Dokodemo Wii no Ma

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Dokodemo Wii no Ma
どこでも Wiiの間
Developer(s): Dentsu
Publisher(s): Nintendo
Platform: DSiWare
Category: Communication
Players: 1
Predecessor: N/A
Successor: N/A
Release dates
Japan: May 1, 2009

Dokodemo Wii no Ma is a television application released for Nintendo DSi over the DSiWare service, and a Nintendo DSi version of the Wii no Ma service for Wii. It was released exclusively in Japan in May 2009.

Service for both versions of Wii no Ma was discontinued on April 30, 2012. Dokodemo Wii no Ma can no longer be downloaded from the Nintendo DSi Shop, and cannot be transferred to a Nintendo 3DS family system.


Using wireless communications, users can download programs from the Wii version of the service to Dokodemo Wii no Ma and view it on their handheld. Users can also download coupons from the service which can be scanned at the store from the screen.

Technical details

Technical details
Media: Digital download (DSiWare)
Supported features: Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection (online content)
Input / compatible controllers: Nintendo DSi

External links