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Space Fever

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Space Fever
Nintendo space fever 05.jpg
Developer(s): Nintendo
Publisher(s): Nintendo
Platform: Arcade
Release dates
Japan: 1979

Space Fever was released in 1979 by Nintendo. It was released only in black & white with a blue color overlay. Like Computer Othello, it was released only in cocktail cabinets.

It supported up to two players. A player could choose between 3 games: Game A, Game B, and Game C. It has a two-way joystick for moving left and right. It also has a single button to fire. It is heavily based on Taito's Space Invaders as it has the same aliens that drop bombs and four bunkers for shelter. The top is white with a brown body and silver legs.

Space Fever series logo


Space Fever  • SF-HiSplitter  • Space Fever II (in Game Boy Camera)

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