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Yosuke Ide no Kenkou Mahjong DSi

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Yōsuke Ide no Kenkō Mahjong DSi
Yosuke Ide Kenkou Mahjong DSi screen.png
Developer(s): Nintendo
Publisher(s): Nintendo
Platform: DSiWare
Category: Mahjong
Players: 1-4
Predecessor: Yakuman Wii: Ide Yōsuke no Kenkō Mahjong
Successor: N/A
Release dates
Japan: February 25, 2009

Yōsuke Ide no Kenkō Mahjong DSi is a mahjong game released over the DSiWare service in February 2009. The game is a Nintendo DSi version of Yakuman Wii: Ide Yōsuke no Kenkō Mahjong


Yōsuke Ide no Kenkō Mahjong DSi is hosted by a Mii caricature of mahjong expert Ide Yousuke. Players are also represented by a Mii, either created from scratch using the in-game Mii maker, or importing one from a Wii console.

Players can either play against each other locally with Download Play, or play online against other players as well as players of Yakuman Wii.

Technical details

Technical details
Media: Digital download (DSiWare)
Download size: 65 blocks
Supported features: Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection (online play), Download Play (2-4 players)
Input / compatible controllers: Nintendo DSi
Yakuman series logo