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PockeCam Magazine

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PockeCam Magazine
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The following content contains information that may not be age appropriate, and may be offensive or upsetting. Viewer discretion is advised.

The PockeCam Magazine (Japanese: ポケカメマガジン) (referring to "Pocket Camera"), also known as Pokékame Magazine (though unrelated to the Pokémon series) is a discontinued Satellaview magazine focused on the Game Boy Camera.


There are multiple articles which can be accessed by clicking on various parts of the title artwork (simulating the Game Boy Camera menu):

  • Choosing the bottom "Chase" (追っかけ) text leads to an article on Japanese idols with Game Boy Cameras called Idols with PockeCam (アイドルwithポケカメ). There are various photos created by Japanese idols who have creatively used the stamps.
Chase: Idols with PockeCam
  • Choosing the left-most "Laughter" (笑い) text leads to an article called Yoshimoto VS PockeCam: 4-Cell Best of Five (Japanese: 吉本VSポケカメ 4コマ 5本勝負), themed around the Yoshimoto Kogyo Holdings Japanese entertainment conglomerate, and competitors tasked with creating the best 4-Cell Game Boy Camera manga.
Laughter: Yoshimoto VS PockeCam: 4-Cell Best of Five
  • Choosing the right-most "Secret" (密秘) text leads to an article called PockeCame A GO!! GO!! (Japanese: ポケカメ A GO!! GO!!) featuring people's reception about the Game Boy Camera. There are also interviews with Emily Nakayama (中山エミリ) who starred in a 1998 Game Boy Camera commercial, as well as Hirokazu Tanaka.
    • There is also a bonus page within this one. During a question, the interviewer mentioned about the upcoming Pokémon Gold and Silver Versions, and Hirokazu Tanaka was asked about the future of the Game Boy Camera and potential compatible software for it and the Game Boy Printer. He replied no but there may be some in the future (ないけど… 今後あるかも?) and clicking on the "今後あるかも?" text in red leads to the bonus page "Pocket Printer Software Now Available!" (Japanese: ポケプリ対応ソフト登場!), which talks about how in March 20-22 at Tokyo Game Show 98 Spring held at Makuhari Messe, Culture Brain announced the Game Boy Printer compatible puzzle game Nintama Rantaro GB Challenge Puzzle (Japanese: 忍たま乱太郎GBチャレンジパズル), released as Nintama Rantaro GB Eawase Challenge Puzzle (Japanese: 忍たま乱太郎GB えあわせチャレンジパズル). It was released on June 19, 1998 and is part of the Nintama Rantarō franchise.
    • There are various other bonus pages as well, accessible by following "A bit of a good story" (チョットいい話) links found throughout the page, on a brick like button.
    • When asked about features for a hypothetical Pocket Camera 2, Hirokazu Tanaka talked about a cut feature from the original products for capturing photos from moving objects. While he was able to get it working there was not enough time to implement it in the final product. (実は、 現在発売しているポケカメに、物が動くと写真が撮れるという機能ができていましたが時間がなく入りませんでした。) Also some of his unique ideas included simulating flying in the air and crawling through the water, and he also remarks that he would like to take it into space.
    • In another question, the interviewer says the Game Boy Camera has a unique taste compared to other games (giving the commented staff roll as an example; possibly the one with Hirokazu Tanaka dancing and thanking the player). When Tanaka was asked about what kind of image he was trying to create, he instead suggests he wasn't intending to appeal to the current generation, and rather it was both simply his artistic taste; and specifically for the credits scene he wanted to send his thoughts directly to Nintendo. However, part of his reply is also quite rude; in which he literally compares the scene to like a "F☆CK YOU!" moment to Nintendo. This however isn't to be taken out of context, as he is thankful/grateful for Nintendo (the credits scene literally gives a thanks to Nintendo), but he may have been alluding to how the stereotypical style from the newer generation has both positive images of being 'cool'/'standing out' but also being 'rebellious'. He reflects that despite his work not intending to appeal to the newer generation; these things affect both the developer and those who interpret the work subconsciously. He also views the atmosphere of the game as quite hip; comparing it to his passions of making music; the ノリ (nori) at a party, or an expression like "Yeah!! He〜〜y!!".
Secret: PockeCame A GO!! GO!! featuring Hirokazu Tanaka playing Ball
Bonus page "Pocket Printer Software Now Available!" discussing Nintama Rantaro GB Eawase Challenge Puzzle as an early Game Boy Printer compatible game
  • Clicking inside the lens of the top camera leads to the short article "Looking for the best usage methods (of the camera)!" (究極の活用法大募集!). Readers could send off to postal code 〒1111-8585 St.GIGA in association with "Game Tora no Taikoban Gather Together! Game Tiger Public Relations Staff" (『ゲーム虎の太鼓判集まれ! ゲー虎広報部員!』).
Top of the page "Looking for the best usage methods (of the camera)!" (究極の活用法大募集!)
  • Apparently nothing happens if the reader clicks inside the lens of the left camera.
  • Clicking inside the lens of the right camera leads to another short article "Wappers Are Lazy in Their Investigation!?" (捜査戦怠ワッパーズ!?), alluding to and advertising the Sousa Sentai Wappers. Sousa Sentai Wappers is another Satellaview magazine series featuring the tokusatsu-inspired Detective Wappers.
"Wappers Are Lazy in Their Investigation!?" (捜査戦怠ワッパーズ!?) Sousa Sentai Wappers promotion
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