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Nintendo Letter Box logo.png
Developer(s): Nintendo SDD, Denyu-sha
Publisher(s): Nintendo
Platform: Nintendo 3DS
Category: Messaging, art
Players: Multiplayer
Predecessor: (None)
Successor: Nikki no Tabisuru Quiz, Swapdoodle
Release dates
N. America: December 22, 2011
Japan: December 21, 2011
Europe: December 22, 2011
Australia: (Unknown)
S. Korea: May 30, 2013
China: June 7, 2013

Swapnote, known in Europe as Nintendo Letter Box is free Nintendo 3DS software, and the first game in the Nikki series. In Japan, the name of the game translates to Unnoticed Exchange Diary possibly based on the expression 何時の間にか for something that arrives before one is aware of it, in this case messages and replies. It was succeeded by Swapdoodle and Nikki no Tabisuru Quiz.


It allows the player to create messages and drawings via StreetPass. The software once supported SpotPass with Nintendo 3DS users on the player's Friend List, but support for SpotPass was terminated on October 31, 2013 due to exploitation of the system.

3DS logo.png

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