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Nintendo 3DS Ambassador Program

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The Nintendo 3DS Ambassador Program was a program for the original Nintendo 3DS. Following the high price of the original system, Nintendo lowered the price of the Nintendo 3DS and started the Nintendo 3DS Ambassador Program as a courtesy to those who bought the system at its original price, if the system was registered before August 12th 2011.

The program came with ten downloadable Nintendo Entertainment System (NES) games (originally without Restore Point support but added after an update), and following December 16, 2011 ten Game Boy Advance games. The Game Boy Advance games also have no restore point support and do not support the Nintendo 3DS Sleep Mode. Unlike the NES games no update added it.

The program also came with the Nintendo 3DS Ambassador Certificate with available notifications about new content, however no significant content was released except for the 20 originally announced games.

Available games


Game Boy Advance

While the NES games are also available commercially via Nintendo 3DS Virtual Console, the Game Boy Advance games were never commercially released for the system. However, the Wii U Virtual Console would later release commercial downloadable Game Boy Advance games.

3DS logo.png