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Mario Calculator
ニンテンドーDSi電卓 ファミコンマリオタイプ Nintendo DSi Dentaku: Famicom Mario Type
 A screen shot of Mario Calculator.
N. America:
June 15, 2009
February 25, 2009
July 3, 2009
July 3, 2009
Mario Calculator is a calculator application released for the DSiWare service in 2009. It most regions the game was released alongside the companion application, Mario Clock.
Mario and Luigi™ take a break from their normal adventures to dedicate their heroic talents to working with numbers. Mario Calculator features the full functionality of a traditional calculator, including a Memory key and the ability to display up to 13 digits, and adds a layer of atmosphere reminiscent of the original Super Mario Bros.™ Use the Unit Converter to turn one unit of measure into another (such as length, weight, volume, age and others), or track the history of calculations you've performed with ease. Listen to the Mario-related sounds and watch the coins fly as calculations are performed. Now, back to adding up those high scores...
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Technical details
Digital download (DSiWare)
Download size:
14 blocks
Input / compatible controllers:
Nintendo DSi
Ports and remakes
Multiplayer-focused games
Mario Kart
Mario Party
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